Author has written 5 stories for Final Fantasy VII, and Hellsing. Greetings And Salutations, Thank You Very Much, to all of you who have taken the time to read my Stories. I don't really write fanfiction very much, I'm actually more of an aspiring novelist, but I was finally inspired to start typing away at a Story not belonging to me with "It's Good To Be Alive". Since then the stories tend to find a life of their own, so while I still work on my novels and my artwork... The fanfiction is a great side-hobby. _ I've had several people express concern that someone was "stealing" my stories, but to assuage at least some fears, I more commonly go by "Jianre M." on other sites. So that is still me... if you see someone other than THAT posting my stories, they do not have permission, and please let me know! If you're interested in seeing some of the illustrations and artwork I've done, (some of which is for my fanfictions.) you can find it at: Jianre-m dot deviantart dot com you can also find me at: Jianre dot m on Facebook, you can also find me at: Jianre underscore m on Twitch and Twitter, Thank you for stopping by, and thank you even more if you've taken the time to leave me a comment or Review, I very much appreciate those. XD though I get so many it's hard to respond... |
Akoya (2) AmascusMage (1) | DuchessRaven (0) Khodexus (4) | Kiraya (25) |