![]() Author has written 13 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Twilight, Nine Lives of Chloe King, and Harry Potter. Hi y'all! So...I just realized that I'm terrible at updating my profile so I'm only putting constants here from now on. And since it seems like it's a constant and you may be stopping by to see if I'm still alive: if I start a story, I have every intention of finishing it...even if it takes me WAY longer than it should. I'm working on being more consistent but I don't want to make any promises I can't keep. For anyone that's stuck with me, I just want you to know that really appreciate y'all and hope you enjoy how our stories end up. If you're stopping by because you're thinking of sending me a visual art request, I really appreciate your thoughts and time but I don't currently have the capacity to work with people to create art for my stories. If my stories spark something in you and you want to make art about them, however, I would love to see it because what y'all do is absolutely amazing. For those of you who have no idea who the hell I am, here's a bit about me: I've been a part of the fanfiction for over a decade now (writing since 2010 and reading since...I don't even known when at this point but definitely before my 2010 account creation). I've had a lot of names on here (though the only one I remember for sure is significantpandas since it was the one right before this and my longest held name) but have kept the same account so every stays attached even if the name changes. Percy Jackson was my first fandom (and is still my favorite by far) but I also read and write a lot of Harry Potter, Veronica Mars, Teen Titans, Vampire Diaries, and really anything that pulls my attention away from the everyday adulting I should probably be focusing on. I don't have an AO3 or any other account so if you see my writing anywhere else, please let me know! If I miss your review on any of my stories, I am SO sorry. I try to reply to everyone but my timelines get mixed up sometimes and my responses fall through. I promise, I do read every review and I absolutely love hearing from yo! There is also something I want to make extremely clear because I have had some complaints in my stories:Don't read my stories if you don't like same sex pairings or any other aspects of the LGBT community because I can guarantee you that there will be something in every single one of my stories that will piss you off and I honestly don't need those kind of people reading my work. The same goes for anyone who has issue will biracial pairings because they will also be present in many of my stories. The world is changing, I'm not going to say it has changed because it hasn't, and mindless hating is something that I cannot and will not deal with. Diverse couples are everywhere and I'm not going to ignore that fact just because it makes you uncomfortable. My favorite books and shows and fandoms are always fluxuating and changing and I always seem to forget some of my most important ones so I decided to take that section out of my old profile but these are some of my favorite ships (in no particular order) that show a bit of what I read consistently: LoVe -- Logan/Veronica (Veronica Mars) WeeVer -- Weevil/Veronica (Veronica Mars) Jasper/Bella (Twilight) PERCABETH--PERCY/ANNABETH (PJO) -- This is literally my all time favorite OTP from every fandom I've seen but I actually don't read much of it on here because of how I love their cannon arch. Raven/Beast Boy (Teen Titans) Raven/Red X (Teen Titans) Raven/Starfire (Teen Titans) Nico/Thalia (PJO) Percico -- Percy/Nico (PJO) Persy/Lockheart (Bewitching Season) Zutara -- Katara/Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Tokka -- Toph/Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender) but only when they're older, not when she's twelve and he's sixteen/seventeen. Percy/Zoe (PJO) Pertemis -- Percy/Artemis (PJO) Percy/Luke (PJO) Hermione/Viktor (HP) Hermione/Marcus (HP) Hermione/George/(and/or)Fred (HP) Hermione/Percy (HP) because I didn't realize how much sense it made until my heart was ripped out in a story where his love for her is unrequited. Hermione/Oliver (HP) for basically the same reason that I love her with Percy. Honestly Hermione/Basically anybody but Ron (HP) and Harry/Basically anybody but Ginny (HP) because as much as I love Ron (and I seriously do even if he isn't often portrayed well in my stories) and Ginny, I prefer them as friends to Harry/Hermione and vise versa. Remus/Sirius (HP) Luna/Blaise (HP) Any HP pairing with Regulus because that boy deserved a happy ending. Klaroline -- Caroline/Klause (Vampire Diaries) because I will never forgive the writers for not making them end game. They both deserved so much better. Bonnie/Enzo (Vampire Diaries) Bonnie/Kol (Vampire Diaries) Really Bonnie/anyone (Vampire Diaries) because she deserved a happy ending, not the bullshit the writers of that show put her character through. Bella/literally anyone but Edward (Twilight) My bi-self also really loves F/F pairings but I haven't found enough of them where I really like the character portrayals to have any favorite pairing that immediately jumps to the forefront of my mind so if you have any recs, I'd love to see them. If there's anything else you'd like to know feel free to message me, I love meeting new people! Love Always, Adrien |