Author has written 19 stories for Harry Potter, Avengers, Star Wars, StarTrek: Voyager, and Marvel. Well I'm in my early 50’s and an old-fashioned geek. My wife calls me the "Fount of Useless Trivia" because I had to memorize all that stuff prior to Wikipedia and Google. So when you are reading my fics be warned one of the things I like to do is try to explain a lot of what just sort of happens in the HP universe. So if things seem off or different than canon, there is almost certainly a reason which I will explain in the story. Even though I'm a bit of a broken combat vet, I do like romantic stories. And by that it doesn't have to be 'romantic' in the sense of romance but 'romantic' in the 18th century sort of way. I grew up watching Star Blazers and got to see a lot of Japanese anime before it became main stream. So I'm all about last charges of the Light Brigade and billowing capes and nature philosophy. Last Profile Update: 09-21-2021 SAVE YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE BEFORE READING MY FICS! READ THE BELOW! Not writing for the kiddies here. That being said I'm not one to write about nasty just to write it unless it drives the plot. Also I'm finding my writings are a way to deal with a lot of crap I still am processing from my Army/combat tour time. Thus my writing is a bit therapeutic but may sometimes be more for me and not something I expect everyone to enjoy or understand. Plus except in the stories taking place years later, most characters are teenagers. Teenagers experiment. Teenagers make mistakes. Teenager of confused about things and often unsure of themselves and their place in the world. In my fics this is complicated by the interaction of their maturing magical core and the bodies going through puberty. Thus they will often act atypically to what you would expect. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS! The addition of magic adds a new dimension of an already complex time in a person's life. In addition, since Harry is the last of his line(s) there is an additional level to the way magic affects him. So if you think a character is acting odd or doing something too mature for a teen their age, I would remind you this is a fantasy story with magic which changes the rules. Fair warning: I do not like Ronald Weasley...or Molly Weasley and Remus Lupin for that matter. I am not bashing them; what we see in canon shows us that they are not nice people. Plus just because I write harsh things about a character doesn't make it “bashing” so don't bother complaining about it. If you don't like it, write you own Hero Ron and Happy Mother Weasley stories. XxXxX
HP and the Rejected Path: Actually came about because I was having trouble making Harry "evil" while writing HP and the Order of the Stag. So I decided to split the story and found it going off into a new and exciting direction. This is Harry mad as hell and not taking it anymore. NOTE! This fic is written the way it is due to a challenge to write the characters in ways they normally not. So, for example, it is NOT YOUR DADDY'S LUNA! (You've been warned) and other characters will act in ways rarely seen. This story also has all sorts of nasty things in it. If you have DELICATE SENSIBILITIES then don't be shocked if squicky things happen.
Avengers Redeux: (sigh) A Pernicious Story Bunny that hulked out and demanded to be written. However most is written or plotted so should be finished presently. One of One: I fell bad starting another fic but I find that I really like writing this. Like my Ironheart fic, I've been reading comics and watching Star Trek for a long time before Harry Potter came around. That and I've watched Voyager episodes enough that the amount of work to crank these out isn't that bad. This fic is also on my new AO3 slot. Also, depending how things go, I really can't see this story going on too long. Too many episodes simply won't happen and after a certain meeting, the story has to end. Ironheart: My first non-HP fic but one in retrospect was long in coming as I’ve been associated with comics LONG before Harry Potter. Based mostly on the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) with many elements of the Marvel Ultimate Universe (MUU) with the addition of certain aspects not found due to licensing issues. While mostly Ironheart centric, like the MCU, this story will branch out. Spider-Mage: This is a Harry Potter/Spider-Man type cross-over. it is set in my "Ironheartverse" verse version of the MCU and as the story progresses will be more of an MCU story and not a HP story. zArkham and His Pernicious Story Bunnies: This is were I put my story ideas that I want to get out of my head. Some are plots I might take up some day. Others are just ideas I think are interesting but I'm not sure I could flesh them out fully. OTOH, a few already have become main fics. As-The-Muse Strikes Fics - Some stories I just need to be in the mood for, others I'm working out issues. Many of these may well be worked on during the Covid-19 quarantine. Nineteen: A alternative SW universe with elements from SG-1, Battlestar Galactica 2.0, Dune and various SW related works like KOTOR (the original games) and the new Rebels. Came about after seeing a Facebook meme stating how Padme, Anakin and Leia had all done some nifty things by the time they turned 19 whereas Luke was on Tatooine playing with his T-16 model. I commented on that thread about what else could he have done other than maybe take over Jabba's criminal empire. I wrote that having said that, I needed to write a fic showing it. So I am. Harry Potter and the Dido Chronicles:A sort of song-fic expansion of my completed story Ginny's In India Now. Given so much of this is already done in the form of Ginny's In India Now, I think I will try to get this knocked out as it doesn't require a lot of world-building. Harry Potter and the Thin Blue Line: The prototype “post-Hogwarts” fic for me. A magical cop drama where we see Harry as a Hit-wizard working for MI-7. A suspicious death sets him off on a mission to find out what is going on with his new partner, forensic pathologist DMLE Agent Morag MacDougal, MD. A lot of how I see the post-Hogwarts world will be defined in this fic. Harry Potter and Hogwarts U: How would canon be affected if Harry entered Hogwarts at 18 rather than eleven? Big changes, quite AU, different sortings and a more realistic take on JKR's world where people actually act their age. (i.e. drink, smoke, have sex, join fraternities, live off campus and the like) Harry Potter and the Trickster's Gambit: A reboot of the now dead fic, HP and the Order of the Stag. What if the Power Voldemort knows not of has a far older genesis? This is a evil Dumbledore story whose ship is unclear though leaning at least some HP/LL elements. If you can't take a story dealing with gender issues, gender identity and stuff like that, don't even bother. Son of A Marauder: My take on Harry deciding that maybe a little bit more than magic is needed to defeat Voldemort. XxXxX COMMON CHANGES TO CANON Also, unless a fanfic says, "Hey, I'm sticking to canon as much as possible" then anything the author writes is canon. Don't review or PM right off the bat saying, "X is wrong" because chances are I made that change for a reason. A good example is Ravenclaw House symbol being a Raven. I know in canon it's an eagle and I and most of the fanfic community think that is incredibly stupid. Even the merchandising wing of JKR's empire uses a Raven. I'm not sure, but I seem to recall that even in canon, students refer to people of that house as Ravens as opposed to Snakes. Besides, telling a fan-fic author who up and states in his fic AND ON THIS PAGE, that I mostly do a radical departure from canon on many issues, reviewing saying, "Ravenclaw's symbol is a eagle, not a raven" shows stupidity or trolling or both. XxXxX HOW TO GET A REVIEW IGNORED OR MOCKED Review as a Guest Why? Because I can count on one hand (and not use my thumb) the number of quest reviews which have been positive. If you don't have enough love of the medium to create a profile so we can take you seriously then troll someone else. I have, however, finally turned off the guest review function so hopefully this won't be a problem anymore. Tell Me I did X or Y mistake relating to Canon: As mentioned above, I’m writing AU fiction. Thus if I say the sky is yellow, then it’s yellow. End of Line. So if my changing some spells or such makes you see red, I'm not forcing you to keep reading. XxXxX THOUGHTS ON WRITING IN GENERAL I've stressed a lot because I find myself wandering from one story to another. After discussing it with my wife (also a writer) I've gotten to the point where I'm not going to worry about it. I will finish all my stories. I just find that my style of writing is such that I need to write what I'm excited about. I put off writing on my first fic, Harry Potter and the Order of the Stag, for more than a year. I then started working on it again. Of course I quickly realized that I probably wasn't going to finish it. However many of the issues I finished made its way into current fics and most probably future fics. So yes, for you the reader, I understand your pain because I have favorite authors who I wish would quit working on stories when the story I want is left untouched. However, since no money is being made off this, I have to do what is the most enjoyable to me. Also it is important to know of a certain writing style I use. When a character says something and I put a single quotes then it means either the word was said with a sarcastic emphasis or the person made air quotes and I don't want to interrupt the flow of the narrative by writing that bit out. Here are two examples. "So then Ginny sits down and 'accidentally' bumps into Harry" -- Here the word accidentally is said sarcastically. "Oh so are you and Hermione going to go 'study' now?" Katie said with a smirk. -- Here the word study is probably accompanied by air quotes even as it is emphasized. In either case, it is intended to show emphasis of some kind and probably means the word isn't to be taken in its usual connotation. XxXxX MY YAHOO GROUP = Due to Yahoo's changes; it's dead. If you would like content from me (like my spreadsheets for Spells or students) Just PM me and we can work out how to email it to you. AO3: I have begun, slowly, to post my stories on Archive of Our Own. If you see any of my fics elsewhere than here or on AO3, please PM me. Of course, unlike many online authors, I have no trouble going back to a fic and making changes if I see something wrong. Because of this, I've decided that unless I do a fic on AO3 first, I will finish it here then port it over. Otherwise I've just doubled the amount of editing I have to do. |
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