![]() Author has written 15 stories for Maximum Ride, Naruto, One Piece, Merlin, Gakuen Alice, and Twilight. Hi I'm Kiki1770 I adore FanFiction to pieces. It is easily the best thing that ever happened to me. I started with Maximum Ride fanfiction, and have since written for Merlin, Gakuen Alice, One Piece, and Naruto. The fandoms that I return to over and over, however, are probably Merlin and One Piece. If you're reading my profile, either I or my stories must have interested you in some way. Feel free to send me a private message! I love meeting others who share my love for fanfiction. If we have the same interests, even better! Name: Kiki Age: Twenty-Three Gender: Female Twitter: @Kiki1770 Instagram: a_kiki1770 Wattpad and Ao3 User: Kiki1770 Story Progress Once and Future Queen: Chapter 8 is currently 0% Edited. Chapter 10 is currently 80% written. Likes: Below vv Dislikes: I absolutely hate OC's. There are very few things in life that I will claim to hate, but OC's are definitely one of them. I will never write a story featuring an OC or pairing a cannon character with an OC. Using OC's in pairings or as main characters is the equivalent of a self-insert or mary sue in my book. Two tropes I will not accept or read. Favorite Anime: Naruto Shippuden, One Piece, Gakuen Alice, and Itazura Na Kiss Favorite Shows: Merlin, Sherlock, Supernatural, Psych, Ghost Whisperer, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, and Friends Favorite Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, National Treasure, The Da Vinci Code, Lord of the Rings (all of them!), The Hobbit Trilogy, The Book Thief, The Avengers, and The Help Favorite Dramas: Oh My Ghostess (Korean), SOTUS (Thai), Kiss Me (Thai), Dark Blue Kiss (Thai), The Untamed (Chinese), Love 020 (Chinese), Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo (Korean) Favorite Character Type: If I'm invested in a fandom, you can guarantee that I will love all the main characters. The main hero or heroine will, of course, be my favorite followed up by the "best friend" type character. I relate so much to the characters in the "best friend" position of the main character and have the biggest soft spot for sidekick/underestimated characters. Like Usopp or Ron Weasley. Disliked Character Type: Depends on the fandom, but usually it's a character that's not part of the main cast but rivals the main cast in popularity. Like Snape in Harry Potter, Trafalgar Law in One Piece, or Mordred in Merlin. Favorite Pairings (Merlin): Merlin/Freya Merlin/Arthur Arthur/Gwen Gwaine/ Percival Lancelot/ Gwen Least Favorite Pairings (Merlin): Merlin or Arthur/Morgana Merlin or Arthur/Mithian Merlin or Arthur/ OC (OH HELL NO) Merlin/Mordred Kilgarrah/Aithusa (she's just a baby!) Favorite Pairings (All other) Harry/Ginny Ron/Hermione Harry/Draco Harry/Ron Ted/Tracy Barney/Robin Marshal/Lily Naruto/Hinata or Naruto/Sasuke (The first one more) Neji/Tenten Luffy/Ace Sanji/Luffy/Zoro Sanji/Zoro or Sanji/Nami Arthit/Kongpob Pete/Kao Least Favorite Pairings (Other): Any Canon Character/OC Harry/ Snape or Harry/Voldemort (Eww, they are as old as his father and grandfather respectively) Naruto/Sakura (Again, I despise abusive characters) Luffy/Nami (read the comment above!) Potential Future Stories: This section here is really more of a reminder for myself. Of what stories I have started and how far I've gotten in them. If you see one that you're interested in seeing posted, message me! I might put it up. Complete or not. Gakuen Alice: Once and Future Queen (Posted) They were best friends until Natsume broke her heart. Then a portal opened, unleashing demons into Modern Japan. Mikan is at the center of these events. She balances fighting demons at night, dodging her ex-best friend by day, and training to be a star in the evenings. Can one person have three identities? Mikan will just have to try. Natsume/Mikan. Magic. Reincarnation. Word Count: 32,645 Itazura Na Kiss: Untitled While following Irie and Matsumoto on a date, Kotoko gets a phone call that changes her summer plans. She must learn to face a past that she wanted to leave behind, rekindle a forgotten old flame, and rediscover her one true passion in life. In which Kotoko actually has a hobby, learns to love herself, and maybe finds a deserving relationship. Eventual Kotoko/Naoki. Word Count: 9,430 One Piece: Brave Warrior of the Sea (Temporary title) In which Whitebeard finds three brats in a barrel and adopts them into the crew. In which Yasopp decides his son deserves a father and takes him aboard the Red Force. In which Luffy befriends Usopp as kids in the New World. In which everyone conveniently forgets Luffy is a girl, Luffy included. In which at 17, she embarks on a voyage of her own to become Pirate King. Oh and Usopp is there too. ASL. UsoLu. Stronger Usopp. Strong Luffy. Nakamaship. Word Count: 42,190 Harry Potter/ LOTR: The Red Wizard When Ron saves Sirius and falls into the Veil in the Department of Mysteries, he ends up 3,000 years in the past, joins the Fellowship of the Ring, saves Middle Earth, and makes it back in time to crash his own funeral. Mostly set in HP world. Original 6th-year storyline, non-HBP compliant. No Horcruxes. Awesome Weasley Family. Featuring sword-wielding, defender of the weak, sidekick but also a hero Ron. Harry/Ron. Brief Ron/Aragorn. Crossover but mostly HP. Word Count: 16,430 Harry Potter/ Merlin: The Kings Will Rise A chance encounter with Freya in a muggle park will spark the return of his memories as Merlin. With old and new magic at his disposal, Harry decides he will no longer take a backseat to destiny. It's time to make some changes. He has to find his prat of a king, defeat both Voldemort and Morgana, and bring magic back to Albion. Good thing he's not alone. Harry-Draco friendship. Reincarnation. Not Ship Heavy. AU OoTP. Word Count: 10,750 Kiki1770 out |
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