Author has written 3 stories for Tron, and Alias. dang it. i should remember how to do this by now--type, SCROLL DOWN AND CLICK 'SAVE' so its actually there... anyway, lets see...about me: broke, short, college graduate, funny (at least i think so), favorite obsessions at the moment are Alias, a tv show about The Best. Spy. Ever. (C) and Tron/Tron:Legacy. i dont know what it is, but the Grid, it calls to me. lol and now for the semi-required rant about Alias' series finale that almost everyone has an opinion about:"it sucked, i hated it, irina and jack are NOT dead, in fact irina is down in mexico with Madame Director Jenny Shepard of NCIS, at Mike's (NCIS Mike, not Alias' MV) place, knockin' back vodka shots or something..." so, thats it for now, if i think of anything else, i'll add it (now that i know how ). |
Flynn1 (2) |