Author has written 5 stories for Hunger Games, Phantom of the Opera, Lord of the Rings, and Bride's Stories/乙嫁語り. Yes that picture is legit of me...get it? Known translator, French to English and vis versa, at your service :P I Love writing and I love reading so I guess it's the perfect match! I'm probably anti-social because of procrastination (of which I am the GOD). But I think I'm an OK Gall :P I'm very happy to have reviewers and I hope everyone will like my stories. :) Beloved Stories and Books: Le fantôme de l'opéra!! Hunger Games trilogy, Harry Potter, Every Tamora Pierce Book Series, Fat Cat, Vibes, Hold Still, The Graveyard Book, Winter's Bone, Divergent & Insurgent, Legend, Beautiful creatures, Singer, Flipped, Temping fate, the City of Ember, Clockwork trilogy, Die for me, And much much more! |
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