Author has written 17 stories for Bleach, Harry Potter, Inuyasha, and Heroes. Hi, I'm insanely happy to be here on Fanfiction. I just graduted so I'm here to blow off steam. please don't get mad at me and flame if my updates aren't always snappy, it's hard to get Internet time around here. Let's see, i love anime, magna, television, and books. I could list everything I like but that would take to long and i'm pretty sure most of you don't care lol. I just started scool again and the only time i have to type is on the weekend, sucks. Favorite pairings Ulquiorra/Orihime= it's just got too much potential to go in any direction. Aizen/Orihime= it's just sexy for some reason. Grimmjow/Orihime= love it nonstop. Ichigo/Orihime= only because i liked them before Ulquiorra showed up and now that he's gone i don't want her with anyone else. Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy= the whole time i was reading the series i wanted them to get together once, just once! Hermione Granger/ George Weasley/ Fred Weasley= the twins are my fantasy and i love them with Hermione Hermione Granger/ Remus Lupin/ Sirius Black= i got addicted to it on accident. Hermione Granger/ Tom Riddle or Lord Voldemort= I know it's weird but it has so much potential for being evil! Kaname Kuran/ Yuuki Kurosou= because i think he loves her, and loves manipulating her to stay with him. Zero/Yuuki= I just can't resist the longing look in his eyes, ahhh. Renji Abarai/ Rukia Kuichiki= he's in love with her and i've been in love with him since Ichigo kicked his ass. Jareth/ Sarah Williams= becasue the movie didn't end the way i wanted and i love the fanfiction in their section. Sesshomaru/Kagome=Because Inuyasha's an ass and i love Sesshomaru with Kagome. Kouga/Kagome= He's just too sexy for that pelt and i've been crossing my fingers ever since he declared his love for her. Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell= Because the brother needs some love and she can give it to him. Naruto/Hinata= I just love Hinata and i want her to get her man, i mean she loves him for how long and he doesn't notice. Plus i don't like Sakura. Axel= hell by himself he's sexy as hell i don't care who he's with. Sora/Kari= just because their so great together. Usagi/Mamoru= they make pretty spoiled babies together. Saya/Haji= i just want to cry when i think about them, they belong together. Saya/Solomon=obsessive love is my thing, and he was such a total stalker it wasn't even funny. Hades/Persephagain someone who's willing to kidnap you and force you to marry them is kind of sexy to me. Sylar/Claire Bennet= cause it's oh soo good and yummy too. What i wish would happen in anime. First= Death to Saskue! He's gone over the cucukoos nest and i've wanted him gone since he killed my boo. Sec Ulqiuorra would come back and make sweet love to Orihime, because Ichigo will probably remain clueless for the rest of his life and girly needs someone around to tell her she's beautiful. Third= Blood Plus would continue and Haji wouldn't be a virgin anymore, haha. Fourth=Edward Elric would go to councling so he gets over his anger issues about being called a shorty. Five= Aizen would be locked up in a straight jacket because all that sexy is gonna go to waste if he gets killed. Spoiler=But i got my wish! Six=I could slap Naruto upside the head and make him go on a date with Hinata, shesh. Seven=Zero would stop trying to kill vamps and get on the love boat. Eight= Heroes would come back on and Claire would date Sylar, but that's a pipe dream and i know it. Nine= Bleach would find a logical place to end without going on forever. Favorite quotes "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." -Mother Teresa "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you place the blame." - Oscar Wilde "Oh what a tangled web we weave..." - Sir Walter Scott Cool Poems I want to get close to you Like shoes with laces Teeth with braces Orsentenceswithoutspaces unknown author Even when mountains flatten and riverbeds run dry, And the eath moves to become one with the sky, Even when winter has thunder and summer has snow, Never will my feelings do anything but grow. -from the poem collection of Yu Fu |
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