Author has written 3 stories for Alex Rider, and Squire's Tales, Gerald Morris. 7/19/2017: Hi all. I will update this with a real profile soon enough, but for now here's some updates: Firstly, I am not really into the Alex Rider fandom anymore. Any new stories will probably be bits of things off my hard drive that I may or may not continue working on, and additions to my oneshot series are unlikely. That being said, I don't like leaving stories hanging, because I know how much it bothers me when a story I enjoyed is left incomplete, so my two AR stories in progress right now will be updated... eventually. Secondly, I am currently in my senior year of college and working on capstone projects, etc., so my time is severely limited. I haven't been making much of an effort to make myself write on anything I'm not really into or don't have a lot of inspiration for, because I'm making myself do so much writing for college right now that it's nice to have a break from all that. I do still have some ongoing projects and stories, but they are all going to be sitting on my hard drive indefinitely, until such time as I feel like editing. Thirdly, I am working on getting an AO3 account up and running, and my new, hopefully higher quality writing will be up there, though it is unlikely that I will crosspost my old work. I am also giving this account a complete overhaul, so hopefully an actual profile will show up sometime soon. Lastly, I am branching out a little into some different fandoms, and I have some ongoing works that I have enjoyed working on even in the middle of death by capstone project. I will try to get these up soon, but updates will be slow - not as slow as my old stories, because these have (hopefully) better writing after years of writing experience and match up with my interests much more right now. As always, no promises on updates, but thanks so much for your patience, and especially for your continued interest in my work. |