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![]() Author has written 19 stories for Harry Potter, Detective Conan/Case Closed, Naruto, Lucifer, and Supernatural. Name: Not telling! Just call me Mistery! Or Mist, I'm not all that picky. Age: 23 Pronouns: she/her/hers Favorite Fanfic Catagories: Detective Conan, Magic Kaito, Supernatural, Naruto, InuYasha, Danny Phantom, Alex Rider, Harry Potter, Rise of the Guardians and Lucifer 8/6/2020 Some of you might have noticed that I've been posting new stories. This is because I'm moving stories that have only been on ao3 over to this platform. I don't know why it took me so long to do this but oh well, here they are now. Other Accounts I have: www.fictionpress.com under MisteryMaiden under MisteryMaiden under MisteryMaiden I have no other accounts as of yet. Author's Note from OtWoaA: First thing first: This is not a new chapter. I really wish that it was and that I wasn't having to do this. However, I've been PM'ed by a concerned reader about the state of my story in light of the news of J.K. Rowling since December. I wasn't originally going to make it a public response but with the world that way it is at the moment, I thought it appropriate. I will be very clear about this: I, in no way, agree with anything that Rowling is doing when it comes to transgendered individuals. I have three transgendered siblings and anyone that believes something that disqualifies their identity is anathema to me. I will fight anyone who says that my siblings aren't valid in their genders, born with that sex or not. Because of this, I have stopped all purchase of Harry Potter themed merch. I will not be watching any more of the Fantastic Beast movies unless I buy them used from a secondhand store. I will not be looking into any books that may end up published in the future. I will not be supporting JK Rowling in anyway whatsoever. The very moment I found out that she was TERF, Rowling lost all respect I had for her. To those that agree with her views on transgendered individuals: You're wrong, your articles are wrong, shut up. Don't at me, don't read my fics, and have a good life. Feel free to believe you're in the right, just leave me out of it. What does this mean for my Harry Potter works going forward? Nothing. I will still write HP fics, I will still read them. I just won't be adding any new canon material to them that was published after this author's note. Anything I haven't read yet (the published Fantastic Beasts book) well, I guess that's just too bad. You won't find references to it here unless I find a used copy that I can be sure won't go back to Rowling. I also won't be advising others to read anything that Rowling publishes either. I won't buy the movies, I won't praise her as a person, or do anything to support her unless she changes her stance on transgender. Which I really doubt will ever happen. The fact that I'm doing this makes me sad. I love Harry Potter. I loved Hogwarts, the mystery, the books, and the movies. I grew up with it and never imagined that one day, I would find myself wishing that it was written by another author. I'd always dreamed of going to Diagon Alley one day when I eventually saved up enough to go to Universal. This is just a sad, sad day for me. There you all are. That's my stance on the matter. If you're one of those people who can see past the political stance Rowling has taken (and make no doubt, it is political whether it seems that way or not) then I salute you. You keep on buying that merch as much as you want. This is only my choice, you don't have to follow suit. I won't even blame you. I've divorced the art from the author in the past as well. But this is something that affect the people I love and I will not support anyone that threatens their rights, even if they're in a different country as me. Rowling has influence and a large audience because of her work. That means people listen to what she has to say. Even over here in the US. I already have to put up with a racist, sexist, possibly a rapist president who is pretending that millions of people in my country aren't becoming sick and potentially dying. I will not put up with one of my favorite creators spewing even more bigotry. That's my line and Rowling has crossed it. So I'll have nothing more to do with her beyond the realms of fanfiction. I hope all of you are being safe in these times. Please, all of you who are Americans, please vote in the election. I'm begging. Our president is bragging about passing a test given to people with suspected brain damage or dementia. Which makes me HIGHLY CONCERNED because that means someone thought he needed that checked and this man has the nuclear missile codes. He's also proudly claiming to know and wishing well a woman who lured in middle school girls to be abused and sexually assaulted/raped and is facing prison time for it. For the love of your own sanity, please do not let this man get re-elected. I don't think we could survive four more years of this. And impeachment somehow didn't work even though he was super guilty of everything he was accused of. 2020, guys. Always just keeps on giving. And since I've already made this political, all Trump supporters please leave. Don't read my fics, you are not welcome here. Since I'm just on a role venting my frustrations: Black Lives Matter. To those who are saying 'well, all lives matter', no. Stop. Shut up. You're missing the point. Yes, all lives matter, we aren't saying they don't. What Black Lives Matter is saying isn't that not all live matter, it's that BLACK LIVES MATTER. It is in the name, people. We know white lives matter, that's never been in question. What has, for some bizarre reason, been in question is that black lives matter. Caucasian people already have rights, we don't need to protest for them. It's everyone else that is important at the moment. Anyways, if you've read this far: When will the next chapter of OtWoaA be? I don't know. I really don't. I wish I could say sooner rather than later but honestly? Writing Harry Potter right now is just making be sad. I'm already stressed and sad on my own (have you seen US news right now?!), I don't need to make myself more so with this. Maybe I'll feel differently once the outrage at Rowling's actions has died down or maybe if my country stops being run by an orange monkey that can tell what an elephant looks like and needs everyone to praise him for it while there are thousands of people dying all around him from a fucking global pandemic he spent months pretending didn't exist. Here's to hoping I don't get spirited away by the new secret-but-really-bad-at-being-a-secret police for peacefully protesting from the safety of my home. …God I wish that was only a joke and not a valid worry. 2020, the gift that just keeps on giving. Anyway, be safe. If you're protesting, wear a mask and make sure that you're careful if you're confronted by the police. If they're willing to go after a 70-year-old man and medical tents then we all need to watch out. If you're out in public, social distance and keep your mask on. If you're African American, please, please be careful. I wish you well and I am 100% #BlackLivesMatter. ~MisteryMaiden~ April 28th Update (Wow, didn't expect that I would need to do this only two days after publishing) So those of you that follow my ao3 accounts will notice that this isn't included there. That's because ao3 seems to have more level headed people somehow. I don't know. What I do know is that I don't deal with nearly the same amount of grief here as I do there. Trump supporters: Go Away. I have done my research. I've listened to his speeches (for which I believe I deserve a medal, the man needs to stop talking for five minutes) and I've done my fact-checking. Fun fact, all, I'm an art major. Politics is something you have to be aware of when you are in the art world. I don't take other people's word on what's happening as golden truth. I research. So I know he's a liar. I know he's supporting a rapist that he's openly wished well. We have him saying he wishes her well on CAMERA. I have yet to verify a single thing that's come out of his mouth as truth. So don't tell me to do was research and 'learn the truth'. It just becomes obvious to me that you haven't. And sorry to burst your bubbles but I am a Democrat. As for racist: he has been caught on camera calling COVID Kung Flu, which his own white house staff has previously called a racial slur that should not be used by any of their staff in the media, on camera. Dear Lord, people. He used a sharpie to alter the course of a hurricane on an official weather production just because he didn't want to admit he'd been wrong about its original projection. And he admitted to all crimes he was accused of in the election when he pardoned himself. Pardon, just so you know, is saying that you committed the crimes you were accused of but have been forgiven for them in the eyes of the law. And can I kindly point out to you that he's lied about what he's said in interviews in the same interview he said it in? Are you really not paying attention? I love how you didn't say anything about his illegal secret police. Yeah. I noticed that was left out. For those who called the USA great...uh, are you not living in the same country I am? Because from my experience, we are living in a dumpster fire where freedom of speech is being denied by the same president that you are supporting. Or are forgetting that his response to the peaceful protests has been having police open fire on crowds of people with signs. One of the people attacked at his church event was a member of the church trying to help a protestor who'd been hurt get away. Yes, America really likes its freedom of speech. Hear my slow clap. At this point, Mexico is going to build that wall just to keep us out. And I wouldn't blame them a single bit. To those of you who think that I'm being overly harsh on Rowling: Eh, good for you. It is my opinion that you are wrong. I will tell you that you are wrong. I am telling you that you are wrong. I don't expect me telling you that you are wrong to matter one little bit to you. I've read JKR's explanation from her website. There were very few things that I agreed with. Maybe two or three points that I thought were fair because those are questions of logistics that need to be discussed and thought about as trans-rights progress. What angered me, however, was her response to the backlash of her own actions on the internet. If she did not want her twitter to become political, she should not have made it political. If she did not want to deal with hurt and angered fans, she should have made a secondary twitter account and kept her political views there. If she wanted to be a TERF without dealing with the more radical side of trans-activism (the ones giving death threat because yeah, those people are in the wrong. Never tell someone that they should die) she should not have put herself in the position that she would have to face them. And if she wanted to like the more transphobic posts and support them without being judged, she should have made a personal twitter account that she didn't share with the public. She can whine about the reaction and be upset by it all she wants but the truth of the matter is that she invited this to happen. It is no one else's fault that she's dealing with this now. She has also proven that she sees only the radical trans-activist and has no interest in meeting the calm side that all activist movements have. There are always two sides to a movement: the calm headed ones that want to protest change and keep things peaceful and the radical side that spews hate words and filth. She's looking at only that radical side, the loudest minority of the group, and not the whole of it. When people are asking her 'meet with us and see' she thinks 'I've already seen and met some transgendered people' and refuses. Some. You've met some. When you are doing research about a subject, you don't just stop because you've read some. If you are going to be part of a political movement, for it or against it, you don't ever stop researching because you've read some. You see both sides, read the arguments, read the papers, compare and contrast to find the truth. You know the argument, the issues of both sides, and you address them all. She believes allowing people who don't take hormones or don't transition to use the correct gender bathroom is wrong and will cause problems. Will creeps take advantage of it, having perves who are BOTH male and female that aren't trans using the different bathrooms occur? No duh. Solutions: Make a trans bathroom apart from the male/female ones for the non-binary and those not taking hormone therapy and not transitioning. Problem solved. However, saying implying that those who aren't taking hormone therapy or transitioning are lying about being trans is wrong. That is a personal choice and, in some cases, a health choice. Not everyone can take hormones therapy safely. And many people can't afford the surgery or don't feel like they have to change their bodies because their mind is a different gender. That shouldn't mean that they shouldn't be allowed the same rights as those who are taking hormone therapy and transitioning. The reader who thinks transgender is a call for attention: sweety, the only one who seems to be looking for attention to me is you. To those who think I should keep my politics to myself: well, you don't seem to mind JKR bringing in her politics so why shouldn't I be able to do the same? JKR might not be out there actively spewing transphobic hate but she is supporting people who are. Maybe if I didn't have stakes in the debate, I could simply use death of the author and be done with it. But I do and therefore, I can't. Concerned readers about what this means for this fic: I thought I was clear enough in the section above so I'm sorry for the confusion. No, of course, I will not be changing the way this fic is heading because of this. I have spent years planning this out, I'm not going to suddenly through that work away just because I don't agree with the original creator of the characters I'm using. When I said I wasn't going to include new canon information, I was talking about facts that we learn in the new fantastic beast movies, any books that I haven't read yet, or any information that gets put up on Pottermore after my step back from Rowling's work. For the movies, books, and information that I already know, those will still be included. Actually, it's the exact opposite of what you're worried about. I won't be changing anything in my plans for this story to better fit new material Rowling produces. I'm very sorry that I wasn't clear on that, my bad. I hope this clarifies things. Please pm me any questions or leave a review with your questions. If I get enough repeats, I'll post another update here. I'm not planning on adding another chapter to this fic for author's notes. In fact, this chapter will be taken down and put on my profile once I have a new chapter to post. I'm not a fan of just leaving in author notes. Since I don't know how long it'll take me to get the new chapter out, I'll probably strive to get two done before I post next. I want to get them in before the end of the year. I think that if JKR had done this any time before last December, I probably wouldn't be as affected by it. I'd be sad and angry still, and you'd likely still get an author's note explaining my thoughts on her and a disclaimer about my next step towards her works, but it would have been with a new chapter. This is just one thing on a heap of other things, personal, political, and COVID related. So my being sad and angry about Rowling is combining with my angry, stress, and fear of all the others. It hasn't affected the other fandoms I write in so I'll probably be posting updates in those while I work through my Rowling feelings. With the amount of attention I've given to this fic, my others probably need it anyway. ~MisteryMaiden~ |