![]() Author has written 75 stories for Digimon, Kingdom Hearts, Ronin Warriors, Power Rangers, Suikoden, Furi Kuri: FLCL, Clamp School Detectives/CLAMP学園探偵団, Mega Man, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Sailor Moon, Prince of Tennis, Gundam Seed, Code Lyoko, High School Musical, Lux-Pain, Super Sentai, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Persona Series, Danny Phantom, Glee, Megami Tensei, Avengers, Rise of the Guardians, Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club, Legend of Korra, Anime X-overs, Gundam Wing/AC, Angel, Maburaho, Web Shows, Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ, and Homestuck. Stories Updated: 04/10/16 What changed: Uploaded In the Shadows of Dreams, a Persona 3 one-shot. A little about myself: I was wonderfully paranoid about my name getting out... except now I'm not as much, so you guys can finally find that I'm named Matthew. If anyone has ever read the fanwank that was Snowy White (I cringe at the blatant self-insert in the disguise of a RP character), yes, that's where Matt got his name. I'm a software engineer, and I still read voraciously even though my writing has slowed. I archive here, at Archive of Our Own, and, surprisingly, at Twisting the Hellmouth in the rare time I ventured in the Buffyverse fandom (please don't read them). My stories tend to contain homosexual themes, whether they are the purpose or tend to slip in as time passes. Ronin Warriors was actually my first fandom, but Digimon was the first thing I ever posted here, and it continues to be the place I turn back towards. The two storylines I love with all my heart are my Crest Armors, which has a special place as the first chaptered story I still have up here, and Power Rangers Elementalists, which turned from a simple Justin story into the monstrosity that it is now. There's a reason why they got reboots. I have a livejournal titled Bespellment and as well as a Tumblr under the same name where I'll put scenes and chapters I consider to be WIP or deleted, as well as general thoughts or background on my writing. Additionally, I sometimes take challenges or prompts from places on both, which show up here as well. Warning: Rant ahead. Has anyone else been just a teeny little bit frustrated when you reach for a story and then realize it's not there anymore? Old favorites, new favorites, things you used to love and wanted to revisit for nostalgia suddenly up and disappearing? Yeah, you must know how I feel right now. How many stories you've loved have suddenly disappeared because of the internet? Or because the author pulled them down? Has anyone even remembered dana-chan from the Pokemon fandom, who wrote such awesome pairings in everything, whose site end of summer disappeared? Do you know that she single-handedly made me love SatoshixHiroshi, that she had stories I meant to go through if only I had the time? Do you know how excruciating it is that, of the many she wrote, all I have are a handful saved from Midnight Horizons and Unopened Doors? There's Amaya, whose Gundam SEED rewrite I was falling in love with, fell in love with, and when I reached back for it: she was gone. Gone was that epic story I read, gone was the words which were written. Or Custom-Magnum and his Eternal Conflicts. Does anyone remember Eternal Conflicts Beginnings? All I have to remember it by is the 20th Chapter I saved onto my computer. I was learning how to write scenes in different locations but with the same story from it, dammit. Do I need to go on? Old writers whose works have been lost to time, whether by server crashes or the writer himself/herself. Stuff that even the Wayback Machine can't bring back. Do you know how long I went onto that thing, painstakingly saving every story I came across on Unopened Doors and Midnight Horizons only to realize that end of summer had no stories there? Do you know what memories I'll have of that one story I never got to finish? I keep so many broken links in my favorites, just so I can Wayback Machine them. And I'm always heartbroken when I still can't find anything, seeing even less than I did before. It... hurts, you know, to find a story you've loved dearly... disappear. Gone, forever. The works, the words, the effort, gone in the space of a second. I want to cry, seeing how much just one reader, one just a few fandoms, has lost. How many have you lost? How many stories? How many of them, from the drabbles to the epics, have disappeared from the world, with only the memory of the collective... unable to recreate them for the future fans? I vow to keep my old stories up, for whoever wants to see them. I've broken this promise before, but no longer. I'm not a legend, but I hope that... that people will still keep their works up, as kale has done, as TK Takaishi has done, so that readers in the future can see them, can be inspired by them. And that those of us that loved them before can continue to love them as a living, breathing thing, rather than an old memory. As proof, I lay bare my own roots: I was Jace Umi who sent in his second fanfiction to (the first I removed from Neoseeker and I'm still kicking myself for doing so without saving a copy), which can be found in its Yoroiden Samurai Troopers archive. It was written in the style of the fanfiction I found at the long since defunct... ? Or something like that. It's still there. You can see how bad I was. You can see how bad I still am. But, you know what? I don't care. If someone has fond nostalgia of it, far be it from me to deny them the chance to see it. If there's something of mine, some horrible thing I've taken down that you want to see again, tell me. I'll post it. But promise me this: no matter what, never take down your works. Keep backups. You never know when there's a story that's captured a person's heart. It'd be a shame to have that disappear, wouldn't it? That piece of a reader's heart... Treat it well. -Mathais Favorite Characters (some of current interest, others just because): Takeru Takaishi, Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 Relationships (Some eternal interests, others just because): Takeru Takaishi/Hikari Yagami, Digimon Adventure 02 In-Progress Fanfiction Name: Nacht Jäger Name: Forces of Magic Name: Power Rangers Elementalists: Redux Name: Power and Control Name: A Boy and His Car Name: The Arcana in Mourning Name: Red and Blue Name: ABC Name: Ten Years Gone Name: Digistuck: Takeru's New Universe Dead Fanfiction Up for Archive Purposes: If you wish to adopt the plot line because you think you can actually do something with it, then message me. Name: Across Plains Name: Friends Always Name: A Look into the Child: Journey For Purpose Name: Colliding Worlds Name: Repentance Name: Worlds Meshed and People Reawakened Name: Tainted Purity Name: From Past to Present Name: Crest Armors Name: Hidden in the Dark Name: Misplaced Chosen Children (Universe) Home for Underused Pairings (Digimon Exclusive) C2 Community's Unwanted List: I'll put a list of pairings that I cannot accept onto here. Taichi: Sora, Mimi, Yamato, Hikari Just warning you: this is by far an incomplete list. Any requests for the above pairings to be added will be rejected, unless the pairing itself plays second or third fiddle to rarer pairings like... Let's say the main story's Angemon/Takeru, but there's some Yamato/Taichi in it. I'll accept it on the basis that Angemon/Takeru, a rare pairing, is the main focus and not the Yamato/Taichi. And Taichi/Yamato is the same; I'm not getting into seme and uke arguments. The ones above are simply not rare enough for the purpose of this C2. Most Digimon/Human and Digimon/Digimon pairings are acceptable though, but are required to have proper grammar, paragraphs, and general good writing, as with any story. And no OCs or crossovers. I mean it. That's pretty much cheating. Oh, and most parent/older people of the show pairing stories are accepted as well. We (meaning I) desperately need those, aside from the, of course, very interesting relationship between Yamato and Takeru's mother and father and the relationship between Yamaki and Reika. |