Author has written 14 stories for Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and Stargate: SG-1. I've written snippets of fanfiction for myself, but I have never posted any before these. I'm not a writer, by any means, and have only military and college writing experience. What I post is for fun and to get my ideas off of post-it notes and scrap paper :) The Middle of Nowhere and Stargate: Origin fics are written by my husband. He asked that I post it to see what people think, please review. Since he appears to be doing very well and wants to write more I might make him get his own account. We'll post here if that happens. We are very pleased with the responses we've received and thank everyone who reviews. This has been a big surprise, as I've never considered myself a writer (does journaling count?). Biometrics: mid-40's, AF veteran, Army spouse, 2 boys, 3 dogs, 2 cats. I work full time and have to deal with my husband and sons playing loud shooters, so my writing time is very limited. Interests: Amateur Naturalist, reading, science, sci-fi, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Skyrim. Please leave a review and let me know what you like, what you don't and what you might like to see next. The reviews and favs are what keep us motivated and we really appreciate each and every one of them. Nature's Blessings, Wyolake |
Freckles04 (14) Introjection (2) | JacksAreWild (11) Miri1984 (38) | totallybursar (9) |