Author has written 3 stories for Twilight. Hi, I have republished an old story of mine, In the Name of The Father, which won first place in The Dior Rob Contest a while ago. It's available to read on the competition site, so I decided to let you read it here as well. Unfortunately, it will be the only story of mine that I publish here on fanfiction. Real life has well and truly dealt me a winning hand and I signed with a publishing company for a 4 book series this time last year. The series is very different from Edward and Bella, and so I'm leaving my fanfic days behind me. I always welcomed your support for my crazy stories and I know that without my years spent writing and publishing on fanfiction, I would not be where I am now. So, enjoy ITNOTF, it'll remain here for as long as fanfiction let it. Lots of love Lizzy xxx |