Poll: What should the sex of Edward and Bella s baby be? Vote Now!
Author has written 13 stories for Twilight. I'm a thirty-something diehard Twihard! I love any and all things Robsten, Bellward and Twilight! I´m also addicted to Fanfiction! I´ve recently returned to live in the United States, after living in Madrid,Spain for 3 years. I love reading and for some strange reason I think that I´m a writer. Lol! The jury´s still out in that one! I´m also an avid supporter of the underdog and love reading great stories that don´t get many reviews and much attention. Feel free to checkout my blogs@ Also checkout my wonderfully talented bannermaker: Mehek18 My Banner for The Grass is Always Greener: http:///qUJWTX She has tons of wonderful banners on display and even gives to links to all the great stories she´s worked on! Check it out and tell her Krazi sent cha! Also I can be found lurking around Twitter from time to time... come, follow and play!! @krazis_korner |