![]() Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, X-overs, Sailor Moon, and Naruto. Name: Bella is no where close to my real name but i answer to it well enough, or Bshade, or Bell. General info - i love watching anime and mostly prefere subtitles over dubs unless i can't find good subtitled eps. (except one piece which i will ONLY watch subbed) i love fanfiction but i have a habit of getting wrapped up in reading and forget my writing so i need a kick up the rear to remind me to post my fics sometimes :) feedback helps to get me writing ideas come when people ask questions and i will normally answer questions fairly quickly. I found this on a methos (from highlander)info page and found it very amusing i give you the beer prayer Our lager, Bellashade On a slightly darker than the beer Poem, Tonight (17/11/2012) is Children in need here in England this is a night we dedicate to raising funds for children charities. Over the course of the last few hours i wrote this. It's not the best poem in the world but please read it and concider donating to a children charity. Our children and young people are the most vulnerable and yet they are our future we should be protecting them. Do you know the differance one man can make Battered hearts, Bruised faces How much can a person miss everyday a childs life goes down the drain Please let them know this world can change There are alot of great charties out there please seriouse concider Donating. There are so many children who need help. http:///programmes/b008dk4b/features/cin-donate Every penny counts! So life has been a mess for me other the past few years which is why i haven't been writing - i do have a livejournal (as Bellakage) that i post to occasionally and it was always been my intention to finish Tranquillity Rising. At the minute though i don't know when that will be. |