Author has written 22 stories for Transformers, Transformers/Beast Wars, Yu-Gi-Oh, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Danny Phantom, One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, Cartoon X-overs, Supernatural, Avengers, Captain America, Merlin, and Rise of the Guardians. I am a writer who like to try different things, despite my real age people think I am a lot younger then I am when they first meet me In fact they think I am the youngest out of my siblings when I am in fact the oldest I get to have fun with that. I'm 4.11' and I love the thought of life in outer space that want to help the earth and have a wild imagination, I love to read 'A Lot' (its on my permanent recode that i could not bring out side books to school No joke and unlike normal kids i got grounded by not being aloud to go to the library). Now hows that for ironic not aloud to bring books to school.(Can anyone say Geek and Proud of it.) A new thing I can add to my list of things in life that I never want to do again and that is break spell check on my computer twice so if you read one of my stores and the spelling is off sorry but it cant be help also a thank you to all you readers who have like my work and commented on them it is very heart warming to me to see the writers sticking together. DO NOT DISS THE AWESOMENESS OF THE AUTHOR WE RULE! RANDOMNESS IS COOLNESS! I AM ALIVE! I know had an Associates Degree I have no Idea what to do with it but I MADE IT HALALUA! Story Time line order Fan to Tran: Original (DONE) Redalert De-glitched Tran to Fan: beginning or end Cap meets the Bots Doctor Who meets Venatrix Transformers Meet Yugioh (Done) Transformers and Harry Potter Aliens and Ghost don't mix A Mothers Love Merlin and Venatrix Rules For Jazzy PLEAS REVIEW OR JAZZY GETS MAD! "Uh-Oh ANGRY JAZZY and her Evil Babies ; RUN AWAY!" I'M STILL ALIVE! For Realls People |
Community: | Mommy Guardians |
Focus: | Movies Rise of the Guardians |