Author has written 8 stories for Naruto, Sailor Moon, Mass Effect, Destiny, Fate/stay night, Evangelion, and Rick and Morty. Aberron enjoys stories about Mass Effect, Ranma, Tenchi Muyo, Robotech, Worm, and Evangelion. I have a few favorite authors who have effected my writing over the years. Edgar Rice Burroughs(I read like 70 of his books when I was 12) was a huge inspiration for me to start writing my own twists on things from the beginning, but before I really wrote anything I ran into Brian Jacques and the Hardy Boys and the Magic Schoolbus/Magic Treehouse. All of that was awesome, right up until I ran into Robert Jordan. Woo boy. Freshman year of high school I pounded all nine of the books that existed at the time and my grades plummeted for a while until i was done reading them. I was the kind of weird kid that had to be told to put the book down. I think at one point(while reading Robert Jordan) I was grounded from reading books. My parents were very frustrated that their child loved books so much that he ignored people. I didn't ignore people, really, I just sucked at communicating. I was diagnosed with Aspergers(High functioning) as a preteen. For those of you not in the know, medically speaking Aspergers is compared to Autism. Both are very different in all reality from one another. Autism is where your nerve connections for social and emotional learning are crippled or broken. Aspergers is where those emotional connections are developed but lack any bearing to base their data on. Aspergers people are actually super empathetic, they just have no idea what the heck they are feeling and they often echo what the rest of the room is feeling just because it is hard to identify any emotions, much less you own, when everyone else's is shouting at you. Try being in a room with a bunch of gamer geeks all trying to prove that they deserve a job at a game testing company. Then feeling all the rage that comes when you and three of the gamer girls get the job that two hundred of them showed up to compete for. Yeah, i almost felt guilty that everyone was so raging annoyed at me. But I could feel it, like some blunt object trying to get into my head. Aspergers is sort of a life goal to work on and improve. Signs of someone having Aspergers(positive signs, Aspergers is not a disease, but more on that in a moment) would be photographic memory, obsession-repetitive topic oriented social approaches, cognitive responses to emotional distress, as well as an ability to zone in on a project to the utter limits of focus. I once wrote a 45 page term paper in eighteen hours and realized that I hadn't slept that night when the sun came up and blinded me through the window. Reminded me to eat. Then I kept typing throughout the day and managed to turn in my term paper on the birth of the Muslim Brotherhood in like nineteen hours from when it had been assigned. My teacher was suspicious. I was born with the photographic memory, and I remember most things I read. Obsession-repetitive topic oriented social approaches are where you run into someone and rather than wanting to talk about new things that have happened in your life or current events, your mind automatically reverts to the topics and things you spoke to the person about the very first time you met them. When you create links in your mind to another person, an Aspergers person will create links that include social topics that they believe will be relevant forever. No matter how silly they are, when someone with Aspergers approaches someone they know, they will want to bring the topic back to the original topics that you spoke with them about. Obsession-repetitive. Not necessarily a bad thing. Everything that I have read about Aspergers makes people like me sound like we are incapable of progressing beyond a certain point. We can understand consequences. We can understand belief and faith, hard concepts for people who are normal anyways. We can grasp advanced math often better than most people, and a lot of Aspergers deviate towards computers like a moth to flame. A lot of Computer Science majors are Aspergers, which is great, except that this lets them hide behind their expertise rather than work through their social shortcomings. That doesn't solve the weakness that exists. Everyone is born with a few issues, no one is perfect. Aspergers people just happen to all have the same issue. Social connections, niceties, and communication skills are not as developed or we are not wired for them as easily. So we need to work at it. I plan to change the entire dynamic around Aspergers, as currently we are labeled as some non-functional entity. I was raised Christian, and went to four years of Seminary Education. That wasn't fun, as that ran from 5:30 am to 7:45 as a teenager, and then when I turned nineteen I was officially given my license to preach. I am not a pastor, but having the license is sort of expected for the men of my church. I tried a few jobs and directions and eventually went into Massage therapy. That got over the whole didn't-want-to-touch people thing that some Aspergers have. Talking to people was overcome by mission trips with my church. I talked to a lot of people, got yelled at, shot at(NOT FUN), and got bible-thumped. After those moments I wasn't really afraid of social contact anymore, when there were other things I was worried about more. It evolved as I pushed myself to overcome it, just like anybody else would. I am not most Aspergers for certain. The same strand of DNA that creates this evolutionary condition is the same strand that controls Autism. Technically linked at the DNA level but not proven to be linked at any higher levels, some Autistic people are actually Aspergers. Some Aspergers are misdiagnosed as Autistic and shoved into programs that look at them as a psychiatric bomb about to go off rather than a person. This is a terrible view. Personally, I feel like this is just an evolutionary path that we have forced our race to develop into with all of the book and scientific learning. Let's face it, the smartest and brightest people have been getting laid a lot more than the big warrior types in the last few centuries. It's breeding a lot more people whose minds are developed towards a logical mindset. It's not a theory that anyone would like to look into and probably won't be earning any money at the bank. But I will be writing a book about that eventually. Until then, I'll write fan fiction and stories where I enjoy my time and improve my writing skills. I'm pretty lucky to have the wife I do. She and I ran into each other at a family event and things rolled together like a fairy tail. I won't talk about her much until I get to my own book, but I certainly like her. She also likes me writing rather than pouring time into Minecraft or those kinds of things, so you can thank her for the increased writing quality and quantity. I ran a lot of Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons games in the last decade, and have a lot of experience with running campaigns where there are 7-9 players in the party. My players are known to twink the hell out of everything they can and role-play as many advantages as they can get, because to be honest with that many players you have to be really cruel to make it fair. Lots of people die during sessions, its just sort of normal to expect that by the end of a mission you might have lost 50% of your party. Or you might be some form of deity and planned really well and everyone lived. That's enough about me, I think. Here are some pet peeves about fan fiction(Mass Effect in patricular), for those of you who are interested. I can't read anything having to do with yaoi. I grew up in a very Gay area, but that doesn't mean I appreciate it. I have issues with any story that focuses on everyone automatically working together and everything working out fine, especially in the Mass Effect Universe. You are going to overcome thousands of years of bigotry and hatred with what? Less than three years as a Spectre, a dead alien super weapon and some young archeologist from a disgraced family? Nah, that ain't gonna fly. I agreed with the Council when they wanted more proof. Getting rid of the Reapers in any story makes the Mass Effect Universe useless. Everything in it is engineered to work either for or against the Reapers. The original storyline for the ME series was one where the Reapers were an extremely literal LG force that wanted to save everyone, and the only way to do that was to kill them before they caused problems. The lead writer for Bioware was fired a week before ME2 came out, and he destroyed all copies of the original storyline. EA didn't want to pay him his ridiculous salary anymore, and they paid for it with the failure that was ME3(Blame EA for that, they fired the guy that had his head on straight) I despise anything that involves melee weapons obscenely powerful. Mass Effect kinetic barriers are meant to stop moving objects. A slow clap on the back might get through, but a knife poised to go through the jugular? That is gonna get stopped. When I find fan fiction that talks about some sword being the end all be all I usually log into a flame account and let them have it. I don't send flames through my main account, as it is not very gentlemanly. For the love of all things sacred, I want to see a fic where the Batarians are the good guys. Nobody likes them because the developers made this race of maniacal enemies for Humanity to fight. I love fics that involve any of the side races being placed into an important role. Emphasis on biotics in any fic is always fun, and they are one of the big reasons that people don't want to fight Asari. So much nastiness packed into a slim package. The very mention of the word hologram. All of the images that are used in the game, to manipulate doors and such, are haptic. That means that they can be manipulated and touched. I hate it when someone calls it a hologram, as hologram by definition means that its just an image and not manipulable.I have a few favorite authors that really have a great time with their fan fiction, and I would love it if you would go read their work. My favorite Author list is full of interesting people and a lot of in depth fiction. There are a few works out on the internet that aren't on fan , and I remember the days before this site was up. Finding fan fiction was hard work, and if you found a batch of good ones you gave yourself a high five because that was hard. Sic Semper Morituri, for example. Google that, I dare you. That fic is so bloody long that I usually have to think about planning a few months of reading when I consider re-reading it. In terms of fan fiction in the works, I have a couple of Elder Scrolls fiction that I only have about 75,000 words down and am not settled on it yet. I'll post those when they are good and ready. To all those who have been following, favoriting, and reviewing, Thank you. The email alerts in the dead of night from someone who stayed up late to read something of mine are loving. It's like the happiest chipmunk in the world telling you at four thirty in the morning that they really love you and can't possibly wait another minute to tell you that. |
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