![]() Author has written 14 stories for Andromeda, Thor, Ironman, Avengers, Sherlock Holmes, and Transformers. Author has written 12 stories for: Sherlock Holmes, Avengers, Iron Man, Thor, and Andromeda. 8/18/14 So... I'm not dead, though I am terribly sorry about the long hiatus, and to make things worse, it isnt over. My computer in its pack got flattened by a FORKLIFT at my worksite (I had it there to proofread on breaks) and apparently stuff like that isnt covered by workmans comp, and believe me, the sight of one's prized laptop reduced to ultra-slim pieces (with a while lot of un-backed up work on it) kills the muse like nothing else. I'm posting this from a freaking noisy internet cafe which knocks my muse right back into the grave if I even try to ressurect her. The good news is that by New Years, between what I can save from work after taking care of family medical expenses and a gift, I'll have a computer again (no use getting a discounted half-dead machine that kills the muse each time it glitches) and shortly after that I shoudl be able to update my stories. I know that's oof littel to no consolation, probably, but it is at least the truth of where I am. And in the interim I have a nice big pile of plot ideas in my messy scrawl piling up, so at least the muse isnt giving up hope, and my unfinished fics WILL BE FINISHED!!! What I do have for posting (and I know all my previous readers are going to rightfully want me dead) is a short little Transformers ficlet [and anyone who says the fandom's just for kids should go read Alathea2's fic "Turning Points" which is one of the most amazing literary works I've ever read , written down in a couple hours by hand after seeing Age of Extinction and transcribed to text and emailed back to me by a friend on her ipad because she is on the fandom and liked the work (so sadly I can't bribe her to do that for my other fics) titled "The Unkindest Cut". I hate myself for writing it. Any of you who have read my Iron Man fic "Too Late", know already what such a statement coming from me, means. Those who haven't and read it will find out then. If it's of any solace to Transformers fans, I like happy endings, believe it or not, and have had sebveral plot bunnies spawning for a lengthy fic in that fandom with less of our favorite characters being killed off, so when I have a working computer again, along with updates to my extisting fics, I'll be able to start typing up and posting that too. I'm back - yeah, I know it's been forever. A Thousand apologies. I mentioned in my stories that real life sucks? well here it is: Rant time: Remember that garage remodel? well the contractor walked (with the complete payment) leaving the job hanging, and to make things worse, didn't pay his subs who are after my family now. And guess what, the law - which could use some amendments - protects them. Not him, though apparently getting paid back by a guy who just pulled up roots and skipped states is a great theory that doesn't translate well into practice. Sadly I'm not a lawyer, and the most I can do to help is put my own work to finishing things up, where said things tend to be well, really frikkin heavy and messy. end of Rant. A word of advice, though: I have heard of great contractors out there but I have yet to have the luck of finding one - not for lack of trying - so if any of you EVER hire one, Anyway, as of today. 12-27-3, "Reflections Across Enemy Lines", "Stark Realizations", and "Dynamics of an Asteroid" have been updated. Again, no stories are abandoned, so"Heart of The Storm" and "Ouroboros" will be updated ASAP, though sadly I don't know if it will be soon. Thanks again for everything, and sorry again for the long wait. Here I am again, back from being AWOL for a ridiculous amount of time. Sorry for that. I'm a student again and working to pay my way, and helping family with a frustrating messy garage remodel (sometimes it sucks to be the handyman of the family). Anyway, as of today. 11-6-13, "Reflections Across Enemy Lines", "Stark Realizations". "Dynamics of an Asteroid" and "Ouroboros" have been updated. Again, no stories are abandoned, so"Heart of The Storm" will be updated ASAP. Thanks again for everything, and sorry again for the long wait. Hi, everyone. Still buried in prickly big trees, and the beginning of college classes I'm finally getting back to. but as of today. 8-30-13, "Dynamics of an Asteroid" and "Ouroboros" have been updated. Again, so stories are abandoned, so "Reflections Across Enemy Lines", "Stark Realizations"and "Heart of The Storm" will be updated ASAP, as will my inexcusably lagging replies to all you wonderful people. Till next time, Greetings once again from the rock I've finally managed to crawl out from under (or something like that). Once again, sorry for the ridiculously long wait. You all deserve better, and for all that my life has been chock full of delays, I still regret keeping you waiting when you have all been so wonderful. As of 7-19-13, all active stories have been updated, that is: "Reflections Across Enemy Lines", "Stark Realizations", "Ouroboros", "Dynamics of an Asteroid.", and "Heart of The Storm" Till next time, Hi everyone! As of 5-31-13, updates have been posted for "Reflections Across Enemy Lines", "Ouroboros", and "Dynamics of an Asteroid." No stories are abandoned here, and I will update "Stark Realizations" and "Heart of The Storm" ASAP. Also, a new very short story "Cold Solace" has been posted, in the Iron Man category. Why? Because while I'm not sure of my final verdict on Iron Man 3 (that is I think the movie was good but they over-rushed the ending which left a heck of a lot of strings hanging), I thought the nightmare scene was heartbreaking, and apparently my muse decided to drop by. She sure does love angst. Till next time, As of 3-5-13, "Stark Realizations", "Dynamics of an Asteroid", "Reflections Across Enemy Lines", and "Heart of the Storm" have been updated! "Ouroboros" should be updated within a week or so. As of 12-16-12, all my works in progress ("Stark Realizations", "Dynamics of an Asteroid", "Reflections Across Enemy Lines", "Ouroboros", and "Heart of the Storm") have been updated! Happy Holidays! As of 11-4-12, I'm back finally (officially) - and sorry for dissapearing for so long. I returned from taking care of my father to find all my pet canaries dead or dying (in my hands), and myself fired, though despite practicality it is the former which has taken the most out of me, and for a long time, I haven't been able to even think about writing (though that's probably a good thing since as you may know when I'm depressed I write tragedies WITH tragic endings, not just liberal angst along the way). I know I have said before there is a no-story-abandoned policy, but the past months have been so rough on me that it's been near impossible for me to even think about finding my AWOL muse, and it is thanks to all you wonderful people that she is starting to come back to life once again (something that at some point hadn;t seemed possible), so a million thanks to all of you!!!!! On a lighter note, I have made and posted fanfic covers for all my fics, and since the resolution here is terrible and they look awful (not complaining... images take up so much cyberspace), I also posted full-res versions on my tumblr, which is: astragalactic dot tumblr dot com (spaces removed of course)... so if any of you are digital-art afficionados like myself, enjoy! |