![]() Author has written 52 stories for Criminal Minds, Psych, Arrow, Blacklist, Flash, Agent Carter, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Timeless, Man in the High Castle, and Riverdale. AN: Due to a rash of progressively nasty, unprovoked anonymous trolling, I've had to enable Moderate Reviews. Most of them are fairly harmless, so they'll go up, but ultimately, if a review gets abusive or excessively nasty, I reserve the right to moderate or remove it outright. 10/14/13 NOTE: I do NOT leave unsigned reviews unless I know you very well. If you get a comment on your story from a Lawson227 (or a variation on the Lawson name) who is not signed in, it's NOT ME. If you do see one, please, feel free to contact me via PM and I will respond and let you know it wasn't me. UPDATE 10/21/13: The troll continues her rampage, leaving nastygrams both anonymously and from a registered account, as well as in various languages. To anyone who's been on the receiving end of these because you dared support us, I apologize as well as thank you for your continued support. To those of you who do read and review, as always, I thank you. UPDATE 12/09/13: I never leave nastygrams as PMs. I neither have the time nor do I care enough about trolls to bother. The only time I have ever responded to said troll was publicly and after first being attacked. For those wishing background, the entire debacle began back on October 10th, when the troll left an extremely nasty commentary on Loafer's story, The Fight. lobbing personal attacks on Loafer, AlyshebaFan1, and myself. Since then, she/he has left various ugly comments on my Lassiets as well as my Karltons (even when Shawn's not an active character), as well as on several other authors' stories. She/he seems to be under the impression that the Shules fans are being bullied. To quote Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." I use fanfic to decompress and remember how to have fun writing. I only play in television sandboxes because TV shows tend to have evolving story lines and multiple writers, so therefore I don't feel as if I'm stomping on anyone's creative baby. I do my best not to venture into out-of-character territory, because it is someone else's sandbox after all and I like to try to respect those boundaries. I'm a relationship/romance junkie and I love playing the "What if?" game with the characters, imagining scenes that we, as viewers, aren't seeing, but that could conceivably occur and it wouldn't break with what we know of the characters, or if the stories veer out-of-canon, that they at least make conceivable sense—in that it's a story that could have happened had the writers taken a different path. For awesome psych fics featuring Lassiter/O'Hara and Lassiter/Vick, read Loafer's work. Actually, just read her work, period. |