Author has written 1 story for Final Fantasy VII.
From Chocobo13:
Oh Chocobo feathers! I haven't updated Cadet Days since March of 2011! D: Over a year ago! I hadn't been working on the story for a while, but I've been making some lifestyle changes so I'll be making progress on it again, although I won't be posting for a couple more months for undisclosed reasons in real life that demand my time. I had been close to giving up at points, however, I love this story too much to give up on it.
So, please, don't freak out, I am continuing Cadet Days. :)
For my readers and reviewers:
Thank you all so much! For being patient and/or addicted to my story. Your comments/criticism/praise/fan squeels are really encouraging and helpful to me. So, thank you all again! It's thanks to you that I've been able to get out of my writer's block and continue with the story! So, if you have any ideas about what should happen, or what you want to happen, please don't be shy to share! I do not reply to reviews (although I may give a small shout out from time to time in the little Author's Note above a chapter). I do, however, read each and every review, and take each one into consideration. And by doing so, I'm always inspired and encouraged to write more for all of you as well as myself. And I'm more than happy to continue the story you enjoy so much.