The Nightrunners
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Joined 07-28-02, id: 242499
Author has written 2 stories for Lord of the Rings.
New Biography:

Now, for no reason other than our mercurial temperaments, the Nightrunners have decided that it’s time to revamp their biographies. Since A&E has declined to do it for them in a one hour prime time slot, the responsibility has fallen to them. Pooh.

Jeanette, Nightrunner #1 (Age 18): Otherwise known as Jai. Resident megalomaniac and getaway driver, at least until the gas in the Corolla runs out. She has a soft spot in her heart for all sidekicks, such as Sam Gamgee, Ron Weasley, Gourry Gabriev, and maintains to the point of hysteria that they’re the real heroes in any epic tale.

Julia, Nightrunner #2 (Age 18): Usually called Dru. Extroverted exhibitionist and world-class flirt. She enjoys caffeine, adrenaline, and REM cycles in equal measures. Her artistic side is gradually being squooshed beneath her logical, scientific mind, although not without a bloody fight. Consequently, she may be the first marine biologist to paint the colour of whalesong.

Meghan, Nightrunner #3 (Age 19): Generally referred to as Meg. Early riser and all-around cynic, although a very sweet and purry person underneath, as befits her kitty-personality. She swims like a fish, fights like a mongoose, but objects to this extended animal simile. Her ability to write while music is blasting loud enough to shatter eardrums is a credit to the human race.

Ana, Nightrunner #4 (Age 18): Also goes by Na, A., and She Without a Proper Nickname. Beloved bundle of neuroses and nerve-endings. A remarkable editor who can trim a 400 word paragraph to a piddling 32 words with depressing ease, yet this does not explain why her essays and research papers are always twice as long as Dru’s. Editor, edit thyself!

Erin, Nightrunner #5 (Age 18): Often called Shmerin. The baby of the Nightrunners. Her greatest wish in life is that Jai and Dru would cease using ellipses in their writing. Well, either that, or getting to snog Johnny Depp. She has the scariest stylist in the world, but her hair is currently DAMAGE! free.

The Nightrunners would like to remind you that they spend an unholy amount of time on their writing when the could be doing productive things like working or sleeping. They appreciate all the feedback you can send. However, Elves, Hobbits, rugged rangers, certain black-eyed pirates, certain blacksmith sidekicks, and chocolate are also appreciated, and can be posted to the Big Foggy Rock in the North Atlantic where the Nightrunners keep residence.

Cheers and Carpe Diem,
Jai, Dru, Meg, Ana, and Erin

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The Nightrunners

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Brothers In Arms: Part Two reviews
Welcome to Paris: The White City. Please enjoy your stay, it may not be standing by the time the Fellowship leaves.
Lord of the Rings - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 28 - Words: 59,110 - Reviews: 1065 - Favs: 274 - Follows: 91 - Updated: 1/24/2005 - Published: 1/3/2003
Brothers In Arms reviews
(AU Modern-Day) Part 2 has started. Warning: Do *not* perform CPR on the elf unless you want to drastically screw up your life.
Lord of the Rings - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 39 - Words: 56,289 - Reviews: 761 - Favs: 286 - Follows: 37 - Updated: 12/30/2002 - Published: 8/28/2002