Author has written 120 stories for Digimon, Young Justice, Batman the Animated Series, X-Men: Evolution, X-Men, Emperor's New Groove, Hey Arnold, Gundam Wing/AC, Harry Potter, Card Captor Sakura, Batman Beyond, Sailor Moon, Zeta Project, Atlantis, Zoids, Static Shock, Jackie Chan Adventures, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Escaflowne, Treasure Planet, Spirited Away, Mars, Mummy, Spy Kids, Lizzie McGuire, A Knight's Tale, 10 Things I Hate About You, Pokémon, Lord of the Rings, Reboot, Lord of the Flies, Teen Titans, Justice League, Teen Titans, Demon Ororon, Incredibles, Avatar: Last Airbender, Series Of Unfortunate Events, and Ronin Warriors. As of August 8, 2007, this account is an archive. Any future writing will be found at my new FFN account, The Croc Shop. To those of you who are new, my apologies for the frankly terrible quality of the fanfiction I've left up here. "But why keep that crap up?" you may ask. To keep myself humble, duh. And last, but never least: Thank you -- all of you -- for the kindness you've shown me. :) |
always krissy (62) Black Tangled Heart (37) Goldberry (113) Heidi Patacki (10) Helgmelia (0) InterNutter (30) | Manny PenPen (10) Marcher (7) MochaButterfly (6) Neko-chan4 (25) Rashaka (167) Rinon Toros (14) | She's a Star (332) Team Bonet (42) Thalia Kendall (91) the krissy (2) |