Author has written 26 stories for Elder Scroll series, Death Note, Harry Potter, Final Fantasy VII, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Assassin's Creed, Dishonored, Supernatural, Until Dawn, Life is Strange, Magisterium series, Criminal Minds, and Rise of the Guardians. Updated on 01/03/2018! See bottom of profile for story progress. Hi there. :) I was advised that I should fill in my blank profile, so here's some basic info. Name: InkheartFirebringer; but you can call me Ink. What, you didn't think you'd get my actual name, did you? :P Gender: Female Age: 24 I like reading lots of different books and stories but ones with themes of fantasy, magic and sci-fi are definitely my favourites. I am generally a very accepting person and usually like most of the characters in a story. I also like romance being included in a story but after reading several books that were exclusively romance, I have come to the conclusion that the romance must be in an interesting and/or fantasy situation, and not sacrifice plot for the sake of character development, for me to have any chance of enjoying it. I also don't really approve of when it's thrown in there because an author feels obligated to have some sort of romantic subplot, even if the characters in question have no chemistry and/or romantic development. (I do love it though, under the right circumstances. I'm ridiculously sappy. xD) My favourite games are Oblivion and Skyrim, the fourth and fifth in the Elder Scrolls series, and all the Assassin's Creed games. And Dishonored. Ohhhhhh, Dishonored. Mah baby. And Until Dawn. Oh my God, my sister and I are obsessed with this game. I also love the Dragon Age series, and FFVII. Hmm. I might add in something else later on, if I can think of anything. Please continue on down the page to the bit you actually came for. xD Story Progress (Updated 01/03/2018) I thought I'd better let people know what I'm doing (or rather, not doing. Feeling the guilt.) An Inextinguishable Light: Active - Nearly Complete! Almost done, at last! xD Just polishing up the last chapter. (So satisfying to finally finish an ongoing fic.) And All the World Comes Tumbling Down: Active Working on this currently. We Are Forged In Fire (We Will Never Fall): Active Working on this currently. Catching the Wind: Suspended (temporarily) On the backburner, although I entirely intend to continue it at some point. Murder Magic: Suspended (temporarily) On the backburner, although I entirely intend to continue it at some point. Out of Suffering, Emerge the Strongest Souls: Suspended (temporarily) On the backburner, although I entirely intend to continue it at some point. Steel Over Shadow: Suspended (completely) I love this story but it won't get finished. It's too huge (like novel length) and I need to focus the kind of energy that requires on my original fiction, unfortunately. ...*looks at ongoing stories list* This what I get for being unfocused and flitting between ideas. xD |
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