Author has written 4 stories for Inuyasha, Bleach, S.A, and Maid Sama!. Name: Let's keep it as Hidden Masked shall we? :) Likes: Manga, Anime, Music Pairings: NOTE (20 March 2013): I'm really grateful for all those lovely reviews, favourites and alerts I received for The Competition but work has been keeping me really busy so I haven't been able to get many things done. I'm really sorry guys, this will take a while... |
anaime7 (15) Aquile Storm (29) clumsiesbabe (8) Crack-a-doo (10) iRainbowez (2) | JiminyBillyBob (18) L.M. Avalon (26) Lunamusicgirl (2) makoshark (13) MonPetitCoeur (23) recorded butterflies (69) | rii no ame (0) RoseDragonWitch (45) sickphilosophy (24) wickedsistah1024 (19) WitchyGirl99 (71) |