Author has written 15 stories for JAG, NCIS, and Harry Potter. OK time for an Update. I got bored with JAG and NCIS which is why I stopped updating my JAG stories. Sorry about that. 20 Nov 2016 - As an update I regret to advise that one of my most favourite authors on this forum has died. His name was Trevor and he lived in Wales. Trevor died of a heart attack on 4 October 2016, while he was also battling lung cancer and undergoing Chemotherapy. His FFN name was BYRHTHELM. He wrote JAG (TV) stories. Some of his best included the following stories (Two of which are WIPs that will now NEVER be completed). These stories include - Enough is Enough, A Friendly Demonstration, Mommy Dearest and Giving it a Try. These can be found in my Favourite Stories tab. RIP Trevor. You and your stories will be sorely missed . In Nov 2014 I discovered Harry Potter fan fiction and I have spent pretty much every day for the last 2 years reading Harry Potter stories. I finally ventured into writing. So far just 2 one shots and just recently I have started my first HP multi-chapter. But I have a ton of ideas and plot bunnies on my hard drive. Don't know whether or not I will publish anything else. I just want to concentrate on the current story - Hiding in Plain Sight. My favourite ships for Harry are Harry & Daphne, and Harry & Lilith Moon. Ships I detest include Harry & Tonks, Harry & Ginny, and I am not terribly keen on Harry & Susan Bones either. Hermione is far better suited to Severus Snape in personality and knowledge. Hermione is waaaaay beyond Ron in book and brain smarts, and Harry is more like a brother to Hermione and not a lover!! Neville ships I prefer include Neville & Luna and Neville & Ginny. I think Ginny's loud personality counters Nevilles quiet personality quite nicely. In any Harry Potter AU that I may write, the Moron Weasley aka the food disposal unit, will not have any major part to play at all. Just the odd occasional passing mention - usually done in a negative manner. Some of my most favourite HP writers are Strong Hermione, White Angel of Auralon, zArkham, JackPotr, Kallanit, KB0, Luan Mao, Alpha the Omega, Angel N Darkness, Ares Granger, Broomstick Flyer, Clel65619, cleotheo, corvusdraconis, crazyduck5280, Debstheslytherinsnapefan, Disobedience writer and Fairywm. |
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