![]() Author has written 90 stories for Veronica Mars, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Vampire Diaries, Arrow, Teen Wolf, Originals, Stargate: SG-1, Star Wars, Avengers, Flash, Smallville, Suits, Deadpool, Harry Potter, Angel, Fast and the Furious, Blue Bloods, Legacies, Gilmore Girls, Yellowstone, Ironman, and Walking Dead. If you want to know the order of my stories to read them in: Post Season 3 VM: Season 2 Veronica Mars Buffy/Vampire Diaries Crossover #1 "Tear Away the Mask #2 "Ties That Bind" #3 "Road to Epic" #4 "LoVe Forged in Fire" (much darker than the others) #5 "MaDe to Endure" #6 "LoVe Survives There is also a newly posted companion piece to it called "The Dance". AU Veronica Mars Season 2: #1 "Ricochet" #2 "Ricochet of LoVe" Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Vampire Dairies crossover: #1 "Compelled By Love" #2 "Undone By Love" #3 "Healed By Love". I have started writing the 4th one entitled "Transformed By LoVe". It will center around those in Los Angeles and not Buffy in Mystic Falls, focusing more on Klaus and Illyria's baby. My beloved Originals crossing with BTVS in "Always and Forever Yours." It's sequel is "Always and Forever Yours (Still)." "The Purge" is my first Original/BTVS story that is not connected to it. I hope to continue it someday. Update. This has been continued and renamed as "Klaus and the Dark Slayer." My Klaus/Buffy tale is "A New Forever." My Avenger/BTVS series that starts with "A Brother's Love." There are some short sequels that can be read out of order, but I'd suggest the following order: 1. A Brother's Love 2. An Act of Faith 3. Asgardian Makeover 4. Recovery Avenger's Style 5. The All-Father Makes a Move 6. Metamorphosis. 7. Asgard's New Princess 8. How to Save a Life Buffy Style. 9. Snapshot Encounters 10. Buffy's New Challenge #11 The Calm Before the Storm. 12. From Beneath Me. 13. It Devours" This series is on TTH like all of my crossover stories under my handle Buffyworldbuilder. It is also now on AO3 . I've started writing some Smallville/BTVS stories. The order of them is self-explanatory. I didn't finish the series yet as I begun another Smallville story "Fighting the Darkness" that has become pretty epic. I finished it and started a sequel "Defeating the Darkness" but didn't get much on it. My 1st HP/BTVS series is "Magical Connections" #2 "Invasion U.S.A. #3 "Magic in Sunnydale I have posted and completed my first ever Gilmore Girls/BTVS story called "Kill Me Now". I have done a Blue Blood one-shot called "The Lost Reagan". I got on the Walking Dead bandwagon late, but I wrote a short Daryl/Xander story called Daryl/Xander. Not much slash in it. I wrote a really got one-shot that I'm currently expanding called "What it Means to be a Real Savior". It focused chapter 1 one saving Glen and Abraham. I am in process of starting a 4th story that follows "Healed By Love" my BTVS/VD/Originals story but I'm only up to chapter 4. It is now posted. I also started a first ever BTVS/Star Wars story that is a prequel called "Breaking the Code" I've also started two Yellowstone/BTVS story. The first is "Yellowstone Protector" and the second is "Yellowstone: a Safe Harbor" My newest Harry Potter series a "A Death Eater's Redemption" should be read in this order: 1. Homecoming 2. House of Malfoy (2 and 3 can be read in either order) 3. Draco 4. First Impressions 5. The Watcher's Council 6. She Speaks Snake 7. Finding Home 8. Purging the Darkness 9. Limbo 10. Things Change 11. Home is Where My Friends Are 12. Prison of Misery My latest Ironman/BTVS story focused on Dawn as the child of Tony and is called "An Iron Love". I do hope to get to the sequel to "Welding a Family" eventually. I have started a new SG-1/BTVS story called "Aim High" that I haven't posted yet on this site. As you can see, I love TV and writing BTVS crossovers way too much. It started with a Veronica Mars obsession, and then it grew into only a BTVS/crossover obsessions... |