Author has written 17 stories for Trigun, Hellsing, Assassin's Creed, Sherlock, and Romantically Apocalyptic. "Labels are for people you don't know... Useful for statistics, or clinical diagnoses. Friends don't fit in boxes."(John Watson in "The Green Blade" by verityburns) Life is an incessant series of problems... all difficult, with brutally limited choices - and a time limit.(Trigun anime) "We hurt others by our very existence. That's just the way we live. We need to learn to forgive. Need to realize that existence is to be shared. We're not just here to exist; but to find the strength to co-exist." Rem, why can't everyone just get along with each other?" I dont suffer from insanity- I enjoy every moment of it. If you must insist on facing the world with teeth bared, go ahead and attack. (Trigun Maximum vol.5) I am not a native speaker of english, so please have mercy. Reviews will make me happy and constructive criticizm will help me to improve my english. I prefer the dark side of life...this means most of the things Im able to write will not be comedy... I do not like hentai, yaoi and everything that has to do with explicit sexual situations. I am just too naive for this, both in fiction and in real if you are looking for sex, my stories will not make you happy:) I am fascinated by Romanticaly Apocalyptic, Trigun, Assassins Creed and Sherlock BBC (I have purchased the english dvds now, so now I know what I am writing about. love the show.). There are still ideas for all these fandoms circling in my head, but it will take a while to get them out of my system because I am busy with real life at the moment. I swear I will try to review as much as possible, because (lets be honest) every author longs for reviews, and you only can improve if someone is telling you what is wrong. The cute avatar I use is from Sadyna at deviantart. All her stuff is very beautiful, check it out! Put it up without permission. If the artist wishes it to be removed, please let me know. I WANT COPY AND PASTE BACK! AS A READER AND REVIEWER, NOCOPY JUST SUCKS. AS AN AUTHOR; THE PROTECTION AGAINST PLAGIARISM THROUGH NOCOPY IS NONEXISTENT. ANYWAY; THIS IS FANFICTION; NEITHER OF US OWNS THE COPYRIGHT FOR THIS WORLDS AND CHARACTERS. I WOULD ENABLE COPY AND PASTE IN MY OWN STORIES. Erm...If you want Copy and Paste back, copy and paste this into your profile ? ;) FANFICTION- UNITED NATIONS!! Has anyone else noticed how a lot of us get along and and make friends on here, even though we are from from completely different countries? We're here making world peace on the INTERNET and we have all those ambassadors and senators and whatever struggling with it!! If you realize this (or read this and agreed) copy and paste this and add your name and country (country is optional) to the list. SPREAD THE PEACE!!: Naruto-fan-Okami-chan (USA), NaraTemari011 (Puerto Rico), Lala girl in Lalaland (USA), Kakashi Forever (England), ChiyoChiyamamoto (USA), Crazy-Monkey13 (USA), Hullop (USA), Mayonaka Naze (Dominican Republic), RUHLSAR000 (USA) PotterAnimeJackson(Canada), Mermaid-Luchia(Australia), Jostanos (USA), changeofheart505(USA) Winter morning frost (Australia), guardianofdragonlore(USA), toeki(Germany) |
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