Author has written 19 stories for Harry Potter, Digimon, My Little Pony, Arthur, Strange Days at Blake Holsey High, StarTrek: The Next Generation, and StarTrek: Other. Name: Lina Shay Anyway! I absolutely love to write. It's all I ever do really. ;) I also love to read fanfictions. I like to see what other people think about things, mostly about romantic things. Yeah, I'm a sucker for a good romance and also for a good review. Just a heads up, all my stories have little to no cussing, not a lot of violence and some adult themes. I would rate my stories PG. But with the new rating system, I have to re-evaluate it all. Please review my stories and PLEASE no flames. Also visit my website, at http:// It conatains fan dolls, fan art and other stuff for my fanfictions. I don't have a guestbook yet, but you can email me if you want. please come and see. |