Author has written 76 stories for Back to the Future, Star Wars, Marching Band, Minesweeper, Calvin & Hobbes, Young Jedi Knights, Final Fantasy X, Animorphs, Lord of the Rings, Misc. Books, Teletubbies, Matrix, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Harry Potter, Misc. Movies, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, Speed series, Heroes, Moon, Star Trek: 2009, and Spaceballs. Hello! In light of the new decade, I've finally decided to fix my profile after years of negligence and broken links. So - I'm a writer from Singapore, and I first joined FFN when when I was 12. I'm in my 30s now and not quite sure what happened, but I'm extremely impressed that this site is still around. Fandoms: Back to the Future, The Matrix, Star Wars, Heroes, Fringe, Harry Potter, BBC Sherlock, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Homepage: whoaisnotme dot net slash anakinmcfly YouTube: Fanfic not published here: THE KENSELTON TRILOGY (Multi-fandom crossover novels, up on my homepage): 1. Real World 2. The Not-Particularly-Excellent Adventures of the Keanu-Spawn 3. Quinto Formaggi (sequel and spin-offs) (Reviews for those are always appreciated! Feel free to drop me an email at starwarsisnotdead at gmail dot com.)
Texts From Quintoplets (textsfromquintoplets at tumblr) Texts from Keanuspawn (textsfromkeanuspawn at tumblr) Casting Our Whoas Aside (cowa-comic at livejournal) Whoa Is (Not) Me (whoaisnotme(.)net) I will, eventually, finish all the fics I have started. It may take years, decades, or centuries, but I will finish them. You have my word on this. May the Force be with you, live long and prosper, and be excellent to each other. Always. - Anakin McFly |
Aphy (4) Backroads (109) Eternal Density (25) Flaming Trails (79) Hobbit-eyes (18) Indigo Ziona (16) | Irish Bug (10) Jamie-McFly (6) Jay Flux Wallace (2) kankankan (1) Kenya Starflight (71) Kleenexwoman (22) | The Smiling Shadow (149) Theed (0) Us-And-Them (4) |