![]() Author has written 12 stories for Twilight, Digimon, Kuroshitsuji, Soul Eater, Code Geass, Pokémon, Spirited Away, and Legend of Zelda. I AM SO SORRY FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT ME TO BETA YOU I JUST CAN'T THIS I'M SO SORRY. Name: Sophia/Sophie Location: America's Hat. AND IT'S BLOODY HOT. Background: Chinese [Cantonese, specifically] Backgrounds that People Often Mistake me as: Korean, Japanese, Viet, 1/4th French and 3/4th Viet (No, Really). Age: You guess. Thought of the Day: I fuckin' hate science. :( Strengths as a Writer: Characterization, Characters Interaction, Plot Ideas, Adding Extra Scenes on the Spot, Grammar Spelling, Vocabulary [I have a very flowery vocabulary]. Weaknesses as a Writer: Is Unable to Visualize Characters (I imagine the scene being read out to me, not being visualized in my head. I'm weird, I know), Unable to write from different franchises (As of right now, I can only really write in two series without feeling like I don't know the characters. Even then, I'm constantly afraid of going OOC), Unable to Write Multiple Stories Regularly (I can consistently work on one fic, and completely forget about the 5 others that I'm working on at the time, unable to see flaws in a story until after I stop and think about it), isn't good at conducting research, and is prone to winging it (although YMMV on the last one) Things I write: Anything that doesn't go under the "What I dont write" thing Things I DON'T write: First Person fics (When I write in first person, it's in MY perspective. As in SOPHIE'S perspective. So I will never publish a NARRATIVE that is in first person. All my Poems, however, will be in first person, as they're MY thoughts and feelings), Anyone/OC, Crack-fics (Unless done for lulz). Beta Status: Currently betaing for Gunpowder Cookies (Go read her stuff, it's awesome!!), and... my Beta-er is dead. :/ Couples I support in General: Canon couples, one sided canon couples [as in unrequited love] Couples I do not generally support: Yaoi/Yuri, [with exceptions... fueled by one extremely well written fic] Anyone/OC, Crack Ships. 'Brow' count (basically whenever one of my characters does something with their eyebrows to show emotion): 23 Sigh Count: NINTY EIGHT. AND 17 OF THOSE CAME FROM CHAPTER SEVEN ALONE. [December 8th, 2011] Pairings that I've Written/Will End Up Writing About(One Per Series): MattxMello [Death Note] Ciel x Elizabeth [Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji] Lelouch x Shirley [Code Geass] Kari x TK [Digimon Adventure & Digimon 02] Sapphire x Ruby [Pokemon Special] Kid x Maka [Soul Eater] Chihiro x Haku [Spirted Away] Couples I will NOT write about: Lelouch x C.C[Code Geass] Ciel x Sebastian [Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji] Chrona x Death the Kid [Soul Eater] L x Light [Death Note] Yaoi/Yuri couples in General. [Exception: Matt x Mello] Top Priority: Angela's in the DWMA?! [Soul Eater] This is a fic about the Next Gen Peoplez, with our lead meister; Angela! ooohh, what a twist. So this will follow Angela's journey as a meister, from a rookie to a... hero? Before you say anything- No Mary Sues. I promise. I prefer being Drosselmeyer than Tutu anyway. And there will be OCs, obviously. _ But I like my line of kiddies, they're going to have the time of their life, I assure you. And you will too, as you wait for my painfully long updates [the chapters are LONG and take FOREVER to beta.] But don't worry, it'll be good! Very, very good. His Fiancee [Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji] WHAT TIME IS IT? Drabble time. Lizzy Drabble time. Due to the nature of this fic, it's simply all over the place, with no definite pairing, and lots of different character interpretations. Which is fun, of course. My most review story by far, which makes me happy and motivated :3 Woo, go Lizzy! Whenever I have time/inspiration to do it fics: Soul Crossing [Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji] Ciel and Elizabeth switched bodies! :o Le Gasp. Watch them as they bumble around each other's bodies, Ciel tripping over a lot, and lots, and lots of aruging! Ah yes, this shall be fun. Dead: Moments [Code Geass] Yay! The 50 themes 1 sentence per theme thing. This was a real fun on to do, and it took me about 30 minutes to do all 50 xD This has died due to lack of motivation, unfortunately D: Completed Works: 1. Bella's Last Breath: An Anti-Twilighter's Story [Twilight] Okay... I should tell you guys straight up. If the title of the story didn't tell you enough, I don't like twilight. I made this for a friend, which I put in the discription [or rather... her username. Not here. I won't say where though.] It's basically Edward ripping Bella to shreds in the Meadow of Sparkly Goodness. It was fun to write. It also happens to be my first story here, so you can imagine how long it is. [300 words!] 2. Super Duper Digi Crossover! [Digimon] This was inspired from me getting... sick of all the OCs, Mary Sues, and all that... stuff that cluttered the Digimon section of FF. So it's everyone from seasons 1-4 [I didn't watch Savers/Data Squad at this point] looking at stories and such on FF. Steers away from that when the tamer kids come in, which I put in the A/N. And yes, I do realize now that I'm not supposed to publish things that are in a script style, but I'm not getting rid of it. 3. Maka's Resolve [Soul Eater] This one is about Soul telling Maka he loves her and her well... dealing with it. And replying. And yes, she does eventually say she likes him too, because I'm a junkie for SoulxMaka.[That's a lie. I like KidxMaka now. Have you ever heard of the term "So Canon, it's unbearably annoying"? That's SoMa, right there.] This is based off a true story. Now... my first boyfriend was also my best guy friend, like how Soul is to Maka. And obviously, when your best guy friend admits that he likes you, you're freaked out like hell. That's what made it so easy for me to write this story and to make it good, because I know how Maka would feel, it kinda feels wrong but at the same time, you know you like him too and it feels right at the same time. And what she does at first is what I did too; which was run my ass away from the situation to some girlfriends and then make my decision there. Except it didn't take me two hours. Took me a week. XD 4. That Friend From So Far Ago... [Pokemon Special] WEEEE My first FranticShipping fic! :) And my first Pokemon fic too. Remember that flashback during the RS arc, where Ruby and Sapphire talk about The Salamance Incident? Yes, that's that novelized. It's in Ruby's perspective though :3 5. Fragments [Code Geass] Yayyyy Shirlulu fic! XD This is a oneshot that novelizes pre-episode one [when Shirley meets her darling Lelou for the first time] till episode 14. 6. Doubt [Soul Eater] Yay! A completed work! xD Gosh, when was the last time I've had one of those? But I digress. Anyway, this is a KiMa drabble that randomly appeared in my head. So I wrote it out and published it. 'Nuff said. xD I might change the name and make this a drabble collection, but for now, it's a drabbly one shot :3 7. Return [Spirited Away] I rewatched spirited away, and I thought, 'wouldn't the spirit world be where the dead go? You know, Spirit... Soul... departed souls... get my drift? So wouldn't Chihiro have to kill herself in order to reunite with Haku?' And then this fic was born. My first story that goes under 'tragedy', actually. I guess I was just sick of all the happy-go-lucky Spirited Away fics in FF. And how do you balance out fluff with? ANGST! And Character Death. Delicious. 8. Promises [Legend of Zelda] An AU of the forest scene thing. Instead of sheik being there, it's Saria. And she confesses to Link, but obviously Link loves Zelda so he's like "HELL NAWH YOU HOOR GTFO." well, not like that. But you get what I'm saying :P I dont know where the inspiration of this fic came from, it just popped in my head and I rolled with it. Future Fic Ideas: I don't really plan out my future fics :3 Usually I get an IDDEEAAAA, and then I just write it, and publish it xD Sorry, no thought/planning ahead. Other Places You Can Find Me: Fiction Press (It's mostly poems about realshit) DeviantArt (I can't draw to save my life, but have fun looking in my massive favourites bin!) My Tropes Page (If you wanna know more about me and what tropes apply to me) |