Artist, cosplayer, and full time nerd. you can find me at: deviantart: http:/// tumblr: http:/// youtube: favorite quotes: "Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." -Walt Disney (Meet the Robinsons) "Teaching isn’t as effective as hands-on experience. Don’t think. Feel.” -Reborn (Katekyo Hitman Reborn) "Never forget, a believing heart is your magic." "Bury the pain of losing your love ones... into the arms of your friends" "You're a troublesome case you know? With all these distracting emotions, even if i were holmes, i'd be impossible for me to crack. The heart of a women whom one likes... How can someone accurately deduce that?! And for love is zero? Don't make me laugh. Zero is where everything starts! Nothing would ever be born if we didn't depart from there! "You're overwhelmed, Frost was underwhelmed, why isn't anyone just whelmed?" "Okay, I'm officially whelmed." -Robin aka Dick Grayson (Young Justice) [episode 1&2: Independence Day] "If dislike is the opposite of like, is disaster the opposite of aster? You know things go right instead of wrong. *sees angry Superboy* Clearly you aren’t feelin the aster. What’s wrong?" first camera brakes* A-"It's red tornado!" both enter secret passage*both enter another passage and stop* |
awayway (0) Bleach-ed-Na-tsu (109) CamsthiSky (124) Heir to the Sky (6) ilYamaTsuna7227li (52) KazueHiromi (46) | Lightybug (7) Lily Ann Lyones (26) longlivemarshmallows (16) MangaFreak15 (49) Metamorcy (129) MizuSayu (2) Oozora no Hono (10) Phantom Hitman 1412 (24) | seboya (0) skygem (181) Sollux Captxr (0) TigerLily1818 (12) WaiiKitsune (127) xX.Chu-Chan.Xx (35) XxFuyukaina-BakaxX (21) |