Author has written 28 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Dengeki Daisy/電撃デイジー, Bleach, Vampire Knight, Fairy Tail, Soul Eater, Life With Derek, and World Ends With You. I'm Mae, and the possibility of me posting loads more on this site is slim. Still keeping everything up though! Most of this stuff is also cross-posted on my AO3! I've also got a Soul Eater sideblog on tumblr if anyone wants to say hi. THERE IS NO POINT IN FOLLOWING ANYTHING I HAVE WRITTEN THAT IS MARKED AS COMPLETE. I WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER CONTINUE IT. Honey, you're wasting your time. Please don't. "The Assassination of Namine" is an abandoned work. I will never complete it. I am ashamed of this, but it is a fact. Eventually I will just remove it completely from this site, but for now I'm just telling's never gonna be updated. A HANDY DANDY GUIDE TO HOW MAE RATES HER FANFICS! M = Sexual content. As in...past subtext, on to skin on skin, sexual content. T = I pretty much never write anything below "teen", so this encompasses a lot. It can have foul language of varying severity and often sexual implications, such as a character thinking about sex without any actual sex happening. A "T" fic from me could be a cutesy story about Valentine's day with nothing more hardcore than a kiss...but it also could involve stripping and awkward boners...So if you like your fluff without sexual tension, it's best to proceed with caution and pick and choose carefully. |
Marsh of Sleep (16) Nathan J Xaxson (6) |