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Joined 08-14-10, id: 2495464, Profile Updated: 12-11-11
Author has written 2 stories for Naruto, and Minecraft.

I have torn my enemies asunder with fire so hot it glassed the earth. I have flown across the sky on my metallic wings so fast, I became the scource of the wind you feel today. I have been killed many times only to return more powerful than ever, for a phoenix, esspesialy a metal phoenix, can never truly die. I am the IronPhoenix, spawn of blood, fire, noise, and pounding metal. \m/

Age: 21

Sex: Male

Occupation: I'm uh...between jobs...

Ethnicity/Nationality: American: African, Native American,Spanish, Scottish (or Irish, I don't have confirmation yet) and probably a whole lot of ancestry that I'm not even aware of in my multi-national family.

Personality: An average intellegent person who, while realistic, is fun loving. I am also made of pure awsome. That is infact my entire chemical make-up: awsomeness.

Likes: Music, mostly Heavy Metal from the 70's/80's and classical stuff from the Bachish era's.

Video games.

Reading and writing (no fucking duh).


Actually well written fanfics.

Dislikes: Justin Beiber, Lady Gaga, Jonus bros, Hannah Montanna, and pretty much every corprate copy Disney channel teeny poppy bullshit that they're feeding our children, they suck major assage.

Poser Metal, screaming into a microphone and have a base drum beat every fucking milosecond does NOT count as metal, its just shit, listen to some real music.

The shitty self-insertion romance fantacies that this site is notorious for.

The literary abomination known as Stephenie Mayer's "Twilight Saga". Its like many of the shitty fanfics here, except it got published in real life. A crippling blow to humanities dignity.

Fav Music: True Heavy Metal like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Ironmaiden, Monowar, and Dio (God rest his soul). I'm also very into that music you hear in trailer for movies, as well as the music in the movies themselves. There exists trailer music producing companies such as, Immediate music, Two Steps From Hell, X-Ray Dog, Audiomachine and many more. My favorite movie composers, or scorers, being the proper term, would be John Williams (E.T., Star Wars, Jaws, Indiana Jones), Howard Shore (Lord of the Rings), and the god of them all: Hans Zimmer (The Lion King, The Last Samurai, The Dark Knight in colaboration with James Newton Howard, and pretty much every other epicly emotional blockbuster you can think of).

Fav Movies: LOTR trilogy, Matrix trilogy, The Star Wars trilogies, Toy Story trilogy. Ok pretty much every epic trilogy ever made xD. If its epic and compelling, I'll watch it.

Fav TV shows: Currently, there are few, but those that I would like to mention are NCIS, and Phineus and Ferb (its like the shows of the old days). Of yester year that would be Animaniacs, Tiny Toons, and the old nick shows (before Spongefuck Shitpants came on our faces).

Fav Anime: DBZ, Naruto. The only other noteable anime I can think of is Sailor Moon. ._. I have no idea why. Not a long list compared to others on this site *cough*fangirls*cough, its just that I don't watch alot of anime. Their choppy, unmoving, cheap ass animation (on the tv shows, not their movies) kinda turns me off, the stories for them majority of them however are quite good, I'll say that.

Fav fan pairings: Ha! Good one! Seriously though, you won't see me doing non-canon pairings often if at all.

Least fav pairings: Any homosexual pairings occuring between characters that AREN'T FUCKING HOMOSEXUAL! I could care less what people do in real life, but come on, stop putting people together that you know are perfectly straight for your own amusement. I'm talking to you SasuNaru fangirls. Pervs.

Fav Games: The entire Zelda franchise, the Paper mario games, BrĂ¼tal Legend \m/ The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

1. Rule of writing: have character development. The difference between a fanfic, and a fan made fiction is putting the characters in situtations and have them discover their way through them, just like you or I would react to something in real life. If you're serious about writing and want to publish real books you must understand this.

I'm the IronPhoenix, I write them well so you don't have to...wait, forget that, write BETTER then me!

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Narucraft reviews
My name is Naruto, but that's all I know. I'm alone, I'm unarmed, but I will survive no matter what. First NarutoxMinecraft crossover. R&R
Crossover - Naruto & Minecraft - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 7,253 - Reviews: 57 - Favs: 115 - Follows: 138 - Updated: 9/6/2013 - Published: 3/19/2011 - Naruto U.
Everto Miles Lux Lucious Quod Virtus: The Begining reviews
AU. Naruto, a half-demon scorned by the world, must embark on a journey to become a paladin. But dark forces conspire against the world, and he will need allies to complete his quests. Epic length. "First fic" R&R please.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 3 - Words: 9,067 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 2/15/2013 - Published: 11/3/2010 - Naruto U.