![]() Author has written 32 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Merlin, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lost Girl, Sherlock, and Diablo. Update 7/10/17: Well, 2017 has left me completely in a new place in my life. I'd taken a "small" break back in November '16 to get rid of some burn out (and to play the World of Warcraft expansion). I was then in a car accident. Thankfully, everyone was mostly ok. No sooner had I gotten back on my feet a bit then my family was hit with a completely unexpected change of situation when a friend had the state step in and take her child away. She came to me asking for help and we added a second 10 year old to our family. Our 2 bedroom house became a 3 bedroom and I've been scrambling to keep up with laundry, dishes, and plumbing issues. Things are finally getting into a routine and I've started writing again on my stories, albeit at a much slower pace than before. I'm still struggling a bit with my plot on So Loved not going where I think it should, but I haven't given up. I sincerely hope to have something for you all by the end of the month. Thank you for your patience!
Coins: A deviation from Season 5 after 5x04 "Another's Sorrow," Blends previous Merlin canon with weeks of research into various Arthurian Myths. Thank you, Aylass84, for the beautiful fanvids/trailers created with inspiration from my stories!!! (please watch, give them a thumbs up, and thank Aylass for making these!) Please be sure to watch them, like them, and leave her a comment to show how much your appreciation for her wonderful work!
Brave New World: Brave New World, (COMPLETE) A Merlin/Stargate Crossover (with some Doctor Who/Torchwood thrown in). Gwaine was thrown back in time, then saved by people from the Stargate, after being tortured by Morgana in 5x13. Merlin gets a surprise, as the prophecies come to bear in the modern world. (All parts are under the main thread) Part 1: Brave New World: Gwaine was a Marine, stationed at the SGC when a malfunction sent him to the past. 1500 years in the future, Merlin gets a surprise when he finds out his friend didn't die, but was saved by Gwaine's personal past, bringing along another 6th-century knight for the ride of his life. Part 2: Gathering of the Gods: Alien technology begins to play a larger role in the prophecies of the past and the time of the Once and Future King comes to light. Part 3: Keys of Fate: Leon's disappearance, years after the fall of Camelot, had remained a mystery to Merlin...until now. Could the missing knight be holding the key to the future? Part 4: Turns of Truth: Merlin always thought it was his magic that had kept him alive, waiting for Arthur to return, but what if it was something else...a history of a people he wasn't even aware existed? Gwaine must face his own demons, but the suffering he endured might be too much for him to bear. Part 5: The Fifth Tide: The reason for the hole inside him is discovered. Now Merlin must decide where his priorities lie before it is too late for the entire galaxy. Morgana's rebirth adds to the complexity in the most unimaginable way. While Gwaine is faced with a decision that could affect his entire family. Part 6: Unfurling Destiny: Merlin's fate hangs in the balance, as the war with the Ori begins. The Round Table returns to the 21st century, but can a handful of medieval knights find the key to turning the tides of battle and save all they hold dear?Shadows: Shadow of the Goddess (WIP) Rated M Merlin/Sefa Post 5.13 A story which follows Merlin's life after Camlann. Centered around the Pagan wheel of the year, and updated accordingly. Cover by Caldera32. (All parts, except Son of the Phoenix, are in the same thread) Samhain: Chapter 1, The first Halloween after Camlann. Plagued by spirits, the Goddess sends someone to pull Merlin out of the darkness. Yule: Chapter 2-9, Over a year later, Merlin is faced with a choice: to stand by Queen Guinevere, or follow a new path away from Camelot Imbolc: Chapter 10, Another year and on what is supposed to be a joyous occasion, signs in the ashes of St. Brigid's Day warn of things to come. Ostara: Chapter 11-15, The fate of the last dragon hangs in the balance. Merlin discovers more about his mother's past than he ever could have imagined. Paschal Moon: Chapter 16, An interlude piece offering a new path for Merlin and his family. Beltane: Chapter 17, Sefa struggles to accept Merlin's new role and knights from the past struggle with new life. Midsummer: (on hiatus)Son of the Phoenix (Complete) Sequel/companion story. Arthur and Gwaine return to face changes in Camelot. Cover by Caldera32. Written for the Chronicles of Camelot challenge at Other Merlin Stories: Multichapter: Gift of Souls (COMPLETE) Rated T AU Canon Freya/Merlin, Merlin is given a gift for his hard work. Fluff and romance. (My first fic after almost a 10-year absence from the world of fanfics) Cover by Heatherlly. Love's Labyrinth (COMPLETE) Rated M Merlin/Mithian, Fic exchange with ExcaliburMaiden. AU from 5.13, Merlin saves Mithian and finally gets rewarded. Cover by ExcaliburMaiden Coming of the Fae (COMPLETE) Rated M Crossover with Lost Girl Kenzi/Merlin future fic, post 5.13 Merlin, post 2.04 Lost Girl. (PM if you are interested in writing a sequel, or taking it over. My muse ran dry.) Burning Both Ends of the Night (COMPLETE) Percival finds love after his home is destroyed by Cenred. Redemption: (COMPLETE) Short chaptered story of Arthur fighting the demons of hell for a second chance to change his destiny. Diablo 3/Merlin crossover. So Loved (WIP) After Another's Sorrow, Rodor holds a feast to thank Arthur. Mithian reveals she has been receiving gifts from a secret admirer.Oneshots: Tell Her Goodbye (COMPLETE) Percival finds a letter in Gwaine's room after Diamond of the Day part 2 (ep 5.13) Cover by ErinNovelist The Last Incarnation (COMPLETE)crack!Merlin/Pirates of the Caribbean one shot - How Merlin lost his mind waiting, and became a pirate. Ghost of a Rose (COMPLETE) post 5.13, one shot inspired by the song of the same name. Merlin discovers a secret Hunith never intended to tell him. Where Are We Going From Here? (COMPLETE) 10 years after Camlann, inspired by Arthurian Legends. Merlin the madman waits for the king's return. Fate's Lament (COMPLETE) A look at things from Morgause's perspective, from the time she was a young girl. (could be considered prequel to Coins) Refound (COMPLETE) A gift fic for Heatherlly. AU ending to 4.09 "Lancelot Du Lac", post 5x13. Gwen/Lancelot. Merlin has a gift for his queen. *Audio recording by Vaughntronic of this fic can be found Here* King for a Day (COMPLETE) What are Merlin and Sefa to do when they have the royal bedchamber to themselves? (pre 5x01) No Rest for Love (COMPLETE) MERTHUR! Merlin teaches Arthur about poetry. (Pre-Slash) Balance (COMPLETE) Pre-Purge. Alice witnesses the beginning of the end at Arthur's birth. Hors d'Oeuvres (COMPLETE) Modern-AU Merlin finds more than the appetizers intriguing at his new job.Little More than Drabbles Series of Merlin drabbles, either from prompts, challenges, or just my own twisted mind. George Series of George-centered drabbles, just because the poor little polisher needs some loving. Find me on the Heart of Camelot, Whimsical Wanderings, and on my Archive of Our Own dashboard. For now, all my stories from years ago(2002-2004) have had their summaries changed to "DISCONTINUED" because I don't have the computer, the notes, or the motivation at the moment to try and remember WTF I was doing with them. They are adoptable, please PM me for more information. |