![]() Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. I am an American who's lived in England, a writer and editor, a mother and grandmother. To see my non-HP work, go to rosenbaumresources dot com. My two biblical/historical novels, Jezebel's Daughter and A Seal Upon the Heart, plus Celebrating Our Differences--a book my Jewish husband and I wrote about our interfaith marriage--are available for Kindle on amazon. I'm currently working on a series of YA novels set in the 1950s about an adoptive family of mixed-race, interreligious, variously challenged kids. I can't respond individually to reviews if you're not logged in, but I appreciate them very much. My favorite review so far reads: "I was unexpectedly touched by these stories. I started reading because I wanted to see a lot of drama. Instead I got to see what happens when you simply learn to love." That was just the effect I wanted. You won't find rock 'em sock 'em plots with cliffies and mysterious clues here, but if you're interested in how relationships play out and how characters in the HP world might find happiness and fulfillment, these stories are for you (though they do also have some plot interest, I trust). Think of them as like Dumbledore's sherbert lemons--powdery fluff in a solid matrix, a little tart, a little sweet, something to suck on that's both soothing and stimulating. Blanket disclaimer: Anything in the stories on this site that is recognizably from Harry Potter books or movies is the property of J.K.Rowling, Scholastic Books, and/or Warner Bros. I make no money from them and intend no copyright infringement. There's a lovely pic by tripperfunster for "Golden Snitch" that you can access from my livejournal page. |