Author has written 6 stories for Friends. A little about "Too Simple a Word" ...This story is about marriage, commitment, and the complications of a promise. It features and/or alludes to several couplings icluding Ross/Rachel, Chandler/Rachel and Joey/Rachel. A little about me ... I'll tell you a secret. Ready? I don't like to write. It's true; I dont. It's more like an affliction, something I find myself compelled to do, the way Monica is compelled to clean her vacuum cleaner. So I do it. I do it when words and stories and solid, piercing bits of a character's memory build up within me and the only way to get rid ofthem is to write, usually at two in the morning, when there are no sounds anywhere and I can feel the world gathering itself for another day. I don't know if this makes me a writer; it probably makes me the opposite of one. All I know is that I don't like to write. Ah, but I do love one thing. I love sitting at my computer at two in the morning, listening to non-sounds and feeling the world gathering iself for a new day. I do love that. And I do love words and those solid, piercing bits of character's memories. I am telling you this because it may explain why I almost perpetually neglect to update, why I'm so haphazard in continuing on a single plot line, and why my stories are short on dialogue and long on discription. These are all complaints I get, and I quite agree with them. They are complaints I have about my own work. So I can only offer you all this one little fact: I do not like to write. But I promise that when another two a.m. thunderstorm of words finds its way onto my computer screen, I will happily post it immediately. |