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![]() Author has written 61 stories for Digimon, and Suikoden. UPDATE 11-30-16: Due to being under a massive workload with school and a job, Taiki Matsuki has been forced to depart from the project as of Heart Shaped Goggles. Future work will be posted by Ori. Greetings, everyone! My name is Taiki Matsuki. I'm here to bring you all a blast from the Digi-Past (to about three of you, at least) and someone very strange to the rest of you. many of the works on this profile were written by a certain writer from the Digimon section of FFN, once known for his Digimon Humor and Slash stories. His old humor stories were quite funny and his slash works a bit touching, in my opinion. A few years ago, without warning, he took down almost all of his old work and vanished, presumed dead. I was very fond of his old work and was very sad to see it go, especially as I had no saved copies of any of it. Luckily, I have managed to track him down (well, actually, it was a complete accident that I found him) and after a lot of begging I got him to agree to let me re-edit and re-upload many of his old works that he approved of (and his Jenkato fics, which I am not ashamed to say that I begged for). Though he was skeptical of letting the works go back up, he has decided to return to FFN and write new fics once more! Mostly for fun and "health reasons." I work as his editor\manager of the account. All of the fics you see have been posted with his permission and include notes from both him and myself. The writer in question originally requested anonymity and that his old pen name was not to be mentioned. For that I referred to him as "Ori," short for "Original Author." He goes by Zi Jian on DeviantArt, the homepage link will take you to his account. Ori\Zi Jian warns: Art is NOT his strong point, he only started learning shortly after we started the re-upload project (the earliest picture in his gallery is his first picture ever). However, I would like to point out: My profile picture was drawn by Ori and I think it looks quite good! Thank you again, Ori! For those who remember Ori's old work and wonder what happened to him: He moved on from FFN for a few years to work on original projects (which he still writes) and dedicates himself to writing whenever he has the time. Unfortunately, in recent years he has been forced to describe himself as "House without the medical degree." In early 2008 (though he began showing symptoms much earlier) he was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. It is a very painful autoimmune condition in which his immune system attacks his joints. It has left Ori with a permanent limp and use of a cane. Ori wants it to be made clear, he is not necessarily upset by this turn of events. He says he won't stop writing until his fingers fall of (which is only a 30% chance, his doctor says). Who Is Taiki Matsuki? I now go by the this name, though Ori was the one who picked it out for the project (he claims there's a hidden meaning to it). I rather liked it, so I decided to stick with it. I got into the Digimon fandom during the third season (Tamers) and I was immediately hooked on the show. I fell into the slash fandom after finding out what "Yaoi" meant the hard way. Jenkato (Jenrya\Henry x Takato) became my favorite pairing. And before anyone asks: Yes, I am male. And believe it or not, I am straight. And, yes, Ori loves to tease me about that (it's part of why my nickname is "Twerp-chan") and, no, I don't mind it at all. I was a fan of Ori's work in his final year before leaving FFN. When he suddenly took everything down, I was a bit upset because his Jenkato fics were my absolute favorites. I love that pairing, Akogare and Christmas Dinner are my favorites of Ori's old work and, if you ask me, his new work is even better! I found Ori again by complete accident, I only knew it was him through a reference he made to one of his old fics (an infamous comedy series called "Mugen E," which featured The Digimon Kaiser and Machinedramon as arch rivals and Osamu Ichijouji revived as "The Digimon Caesar" - It was insane). When I found out who he was I suggested my "Re-Upload Project" idea. It took some work but I was very, very happy when he agreed to it. I now work as Ori's editor, it's a fun title and he's fun to work with. I do apologize for errors that I miss, I go over Ori's fics constantly to check for them but, well, let's just say my glasses are anything but a fashion statement. On that note, however, I wish to comment on a recent grammatical problem popping up in fics as of late: Italicsandspacing. For some reason, italicized words run into the word that follows them likeso. This error is not present in the draft I am sent, it occurs after I upload the fic into the document manager on this site. I have no idea why it happens and I try to catch as many instances as possible (it appears to be random, not all italicized words do this) but many of them slip past me. I just want to clarify this fact as it is becoming a bit of a problem, we apologize for the inconvenience. Ori and I are trying different ways to combat this: Ori's tried two different, FFN-recommended, word processors to no avail and I've tried some edits of my own in the fic before it's uploaded, none of them appear to make any difference. I know it is not very professional to try to pass the blame for our grammatical problems on FFN (and we are no way going to blame ANYONE except Ori for his crippling addiction to ellipses - He's seeking out help, we assure you of that) and we don't necessarily blame the site for this (as it is my job to find and correct these errors, the ones that appear in the fics are the ones that slip by me) but I feel an explanation is needed in this case. -Taiki Matsuki Who Is Ori? ...Yo! I used to write humor and slash on FFN back when the site was still tiny (the Harry Potter section had less than 100 fics, let's put it that way). However a lot of it...I just don't think was that good except for the stuff near the end of my time here. The old, revised fics are listed as "Re-Uploaded," instead of "Uploaded" in the summary, so you can tell the difference. Of the 100 fics on my old account, the ones you see are probably my best. I admit, I was...REALLY skeptical of Taiki's project at first and I'm really surprised by how well it turned out. I started writing fics again after doing a quick "Cheer up, Twerp-chan" fic (Pass the Soy Sauce, loooong story behind the whole Mugen E thing), an insomnia-induced follow-up that wouldn't leave me alone (Save File) and a humor request from an old friend I met again through Taiki's project (Retrieve The Xros Loader). After the third fic, I realized I was having more fun than I've had in a long time and decided to write fics again for a while. I wanted to avoid doing a ton of slash, but...Taiki's a bad influence and a freakin' slash\Leekato ADDICT! Plus, when it comes to romance, I can't do the straight stuff, I just CAN'T. I don't know how long I'll be doing it, how many I'll write or anything like that but I promise not to junk up Taiki's account with a bunch of crap like my old one...Oy gevalt, so many bad fics... I will say, Taiki is a great editor and friend. I'm really glad he talked me into this re-upload idea. Thanks again, Twerp-chan, I owe you a soda. -Ori Who is Takato? Takato is a tortoise Ori adopted in May of 2011 that he claims inspires his fics (as in, literally, they discuss ideas together) and is the official "Co-Writer" of Mirai No Kodomo's rewrite and other fics. Ori likes to drive me insane by claiming the tortoise really gives him plot advice, though I'm (pretty sure) he's joking. Takato's favorite food is apples and he likes to play with a pair of goggles Ori gave him, as he was named after Ori's favorite Digimon Goggle Boy (Takato Matsuda - Despite the fact Ori has more or less DEDICATED himself to torturing said Goggle Boy). Pictures of Takato can be found in Ori's DeviantArt Scrapbook (Username: Qibushi-Zijian). The event known as "Turtle Week" (May 12th - May 19th) is a celebration of his adoption and Ori has sent me many fics to post in honor of his "Shelled Best Friend"\"Shelled Roommate." Takato has more or less become a running gag in our notes, as Ori is a turtle\tortoise fanatic! He considers them to be VERY good luck, especially "Takato the Goggled Tortoise." I have to admit, Ori has made me grow a bit fond of shelled reptiles as well just NOT nearly to the same extreme. For Turtle-Related fics, please read the following: -Retrieve The Xros Loader!
Due to his health, most of the fics being posted are leftover from a planned November\December upload that was delayed due to Ori's hospitalization. Ori can't work at his computer as much as he'd like to right now, but has a number of planned\near-finished projects he's working on. Thus far, since his return, we have uploaded the following: -Mirai No Kodomo Bonus XXII: What If...? IX (Tamers) -Taiki Matsuki OLDER FICS If there is anyone who remembers Ori's old account and would like to request a fic to be re-uploaded, please PM Taiki Matsuki (or leave the request in a review for non-members) and we will do what we can to fix up the fic and post it. Though we can't make promises that we can post everything that is requested, Ori doesn't believe a lot of his work to be "salvageable," he does promise to make a serious attempt for anyone who requests an old fic. REQUEST FICS However, as this has come up more than once: We will NOT accept any request for sexually explicit fics. Ori has no problem with innuendo or the occasional risque joke (trust me) but he wants to make it clear that no sexually graphic works will be uploaded to this profile. That's his policy and mine as well. Also, before anyone tries it (as Ori often comments on this running gag in his notes): No, we will also not accept any "Straight Kenta Kitagawa" requests as Ori fears writing such a fic will cause the universe to immediately collapse in upon itself. This policy is for your own safety and that of the Cosmos. You don't want to be responsible for the end of the universe, do you? Neither does Ori. Though he suspects he may somehow have a hand in it, anyway. I do, too, to be honest.
Also, see that picture up there? Ori drew that for me! There's a full version of it in his DA Scrapbook if you want to see it. Thanks again, Ori! My clothes in the picture are sort of a reference to my favorite Tamers pairing. Ori likes to joke that I'm "hopelessly addicted" to it. Jenkato forever! Fic Continuity 1. Save File - Pass The Soy Sauce - Christmas Dinner - Kako Mo Ima Mo Mirai Mo Kakenukero - Mirai No Kodomo 2. Ki Ni Naru Aitsu - Kimi Ga Ita Scene - Catch You, Catch Me 3. Schnapps - Amaretto 4. Only When I Lose Myself - Blasphemous Rumors - The Things You Said 5. The Passion of The Cut Sleeve - Duan Xiu Zhi Pi 6. A Glass Of Water - Mizuiro No Yuuki 7. Issho Ni - Eien Ni - Otoko No Chigiri - Kokoromiru 8. The Paperweight And The Journal - Kokoro No Kikkou 9. The Meeting of the Goggle Boys - Dinner With Devils 10. Meimei - Itoko Title Translations Ori sometimes uses Non-English titles for his fics. I have decided to provide a list of translations for those interested. Akogare (Japanese) - Means "To Desire" or "To Yearn For," also the title of an instrumental in the Digimon Tamers soundtrack. Honorifics & Terminology Ori tends to keep the Japanese featured in his fics to a minimum to avoid confusing any reader unfamiliar with the language. However, he does prefer to use honorifics and sibling terminology in his fics. For this, we have prepared this reference list for anyone unfamiliar with Japanese (and a little bit of Mandarin Chinese). Please enjoy! Honorifics -San: General respectful honorific, about the equivalent of "Mr." or "Mrs." Sibling\Family Terminology -(O)Nii-: Refers to an older brother, either alone (Niisan\Oniisan) or as an honorific (Jen-niichan!). The honorific denotes level of affection, "Niichan" is more affectionate than "Niisan." The letters in parenthesis are used when not using the word as an honorific, though they are (sort of) still optional. I believe using "Oniisan" is more formal than just "Niisan." However, I should make it clear that I am not quite sure on this detail. Owari: This word appears at the end of many of Ori's fics. It simply means "The End." Mandarin Chinese Words, Terms & Pronunciation: Wo:"I"\"Me" Regarding pronunciation: Ori uses the "Pinyin" spelling for Chinese words, which has certain rules to it. Certain letters are pronounced in certain ways. Here is a brief guide: Pinyin = Pronunciation (Example) C = Ts (Cao is pronounced as "Tsao," now "Cow") That is all for now. Li Family Names & Spoken Language (Digimon Tamers) Ori has a tendency to use the Mandarin Chinese spelling for the Li family members when they refer to each other. This is because Ori speaks a bit of Mandarin himself and thinks it adds some depth to the relationship between members of the Li family. Here is a guide for anyone confused by this: Mandarin - Japanese Japanese speaking characters refer to the Li family members by their Japanese names and Terriermon always refers to Jianliang as "Jen." Also, Li Mayumi (Jen's mother) is always Mayumi and refers to her family members in Mandarin. Regarding Shiuchon's name, other sources refer to her as "Shaochong." Ori disagrees with this, as her name means "Little Spring." The two Hanzi for her name are "Xiao" and "Chun." However, Ori notes that there is an inconsistency with the spelling of her name, this is what he told me: I've seen Xiaochun's name spelled two ways: The first with Xiao3 and Chun1, which means "Little Spring." The second spelling uses Shao3 and Chun1. The two Hanzi are very similar (Shao is one stroke more than Xiao) and both mean "little." I use the "Xiao" spelling because it's what's used when her name is featured in an episode title (Episode 33: Where's Terriermon? Shiuchon Enters the Digital World!). Also, Ori is aware that the Lis should probably be speaking Cantonese, not Mandarin. On this, he says: "The only word of Cantonese I know is Moumantai (which is Cantonese for Hakuna Matata, pretty much). I actually know a little bit of Mandarin Chinese and like using it with the Lis in my fics. Mandarin is a really fun language, too, which is also why I love to use it whenever I can. Like with titles or the occasional phrase between Li family members, I believe the the latter adds a little extra to their characters and the interaction between family members. Wo Ai Zhongwen!" DIGIMON CAST NAMES (Mandarin and Translations) For fun, Ori gave me a list of the Digimon Tamers' cast names in both Mandarin and Japanese plus their meanings. Also, we're happy to take requests for other seasons' characters' names in a similar fashion. We've posted the Digimon Frontier casts' names as well, requested by Darkness Within Us. NOTE: All names are listed in the order of last name, first name. DIGIMON TAMERS CAST Japanese - Mandarin - Meaning DIGIMON FRONTIER CAST Kanbara Takuya - Shenyuan Tuoye - Gods' Meadow (Kanbara) To Be Clear (Takuya - Ori isn't quite sure about this translation, it's the best he could come up with. It's a more "poetic" translation of the two Kanji in his name) Note on some names: Ori wanted me to point out there's a meaning behind Kouji and Kouichi's names names. Both of the first Kanji\Hanzi in their name mean "Radiant," while the second Kanji\Hanzi in their name is a number (Two for Kouji, one for Kouichi). This is obviously symbolic of the fact they're brothers. Also, Tomoki's name is a reference to the spirit he gets (ice) as well as his problem with being bullied and wanting friends ("Tomo" is part of the word "Tomodachi," which means "Friend"). Apparently the Frontier writers got a bit creative when it came to naming their characters. If requested Ori will be happy to provide the Adventure\Savers\Xros Wars Casts' names in Mandarin and the translation of their names on the profile as well. Please PM or ask us in a review and we'll be happy to provide them! -Taiki Matsuki Anyone who remembers the older stories or Ori and wishes to contact him may PM me (or use a review for non-members) and I'll pass it along to him. Like I said, his email address has been dead for quite some time, anything sent to him over a number of years was never received. Please enjoy, everyone! |