Author has written 35 stories for One Piece, and Natsume Yūjin-Chō. minima maxina sunt The title is latin for 'the smallest things are the most important.' Hopefully, in six chapters, I will be able to explain what it's supposed to mean.Though I am posting this separately, 'minima maxima sunt' is an extension of 'this is the price that has been paid in full.' This means that it is likely that there will be no conclusion, or closure even at the end of the series. Please bear this in mind. FAQ (more questions are welcomed) "Why are some of the titles lower-case?" The first lower-case title started with 'the heart breaks but broken lives on.' This was because I wanted the title and the summary to be read in two ways. One being, 'the broken heart lives on for the two years they spent in pain.' The second being, '(This fic is dedicated, or) for the two years they spent in pain.' It was also because 'The Heart Breaks But Broken Lives On' seemed too much like I was making a grand statement which was exactly the opposite of what I was intending for. I'm trying to fill the small, painful moments that would otherwise go unnoticed. The stories that are lower-case are more or less angst, and I tried to convey that broken-ness by making the titles visually less stable and incomplete. "Will you do parings and/or slash?" If I wrote romance of any kind, people would cry; it would be that horrible. That being said, I don't mind pairings and/or slash and so I don't mind people reading my fics as if they were. However, if I were ever to write romance, I'd probably go for couples that are officially canon, meaning the OP fandom won't be getting any romance fics from me anytime soon.
This is more of an observation more than a question, but I get this a lot too. I suppose the reason why I write this way is because I write for One Piece and keeping it simple and to the point seems right. I want to show you what I see, in a way that'll doesn't make me feel like I'm in my readers' face. Sometimes it means my fics become very very cryptic and sometimes readers take it complete differently from how I intended it to be but that's okay. I try to keep my language simple too. I could write 'Nami expostulated' but come on, this is Nami and One Piece. Nami doesn't expostulate, she bitches. Or at the very least, grumbles and nags before punching whoever into submission. "The Japanese you use in your fics!" Using another language in an English fic can drive some people crazy so consider this a warning: I do not and will not use phrases, like 'gomennasai.' However, in One Piece fics, I will use -san, -chan, katana and nakama. I sometimes use 'shenchou(captain) but not so often anymore. These four words will appear again and again in my fics because I feel that they are important. Sanji calling Nami just 'Nami' or Brook calling Luffy just 'Luffy' sounds too bare and out of character for me. I actively prefer the term katana because 'sword' sounds like a double edged, blunt weapon that is used for thrusting. And last, nakama because I read the Japanese version of OP and Oda seems to emphasize that word. I use 'nakama' and 'friend' and 'crew mates.' In Natsume Yuujinchou, I use '-san' '-dono' '-kun' '-sama' 'yarou' and Hiiragi's title for Natori which is 'nushi-sama(master).' I read the Japanese version and these titles reflect the delicate interaction between each other so not using these terms would make them feel very OOC. January 8th, 2012 I recieved this amazing fanart for 'Next Time Won't You Sing With Me' Letter E! Ancr was kind enough to draw this and give this to me and, well, wow. My first fanart :) The link is below, take out the blanks for those who want to see it! ht tp : // ancr24.deviantart .com/art/ One-piece-Eleutheromania-277948298 May 28th, 2012
June 29th, 2012 Much thanks to Ania.lHeart221 who translated Moments Like This and others into Italian! http://www. efpfanfic. net/viewuser .php?uid=206622 February 9th, 2014 An amazing comic of "Did I Ever Tell You?" by R-jaara ! I was blown away by the beautiful art! Much thanks!! http://r-jaara. tumblr. com/post/74972415327/before-all-you-have-to-read-akurosas-stories-if May 27th, 2014 Much thanks to Smally who translated Did I Ever Tell You? into Hungarian! May 29th, 2014 Much thanks to SwordsgirlJackie who is translating Moments Like This into French ! |