Author has written 49 stories for StarTrek: The Next Generation, Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Broadchurch. I used to have this really lengthy, annoying bio here but even I got tired of looking at it. I decided to leave only the basics: Fandom: At the moment almost exclusively Doctor Who. The Trek story (which don't get me wrong I absolutely love) is on indefinite hiatus. I lost the narrative thread on that one...I hope to find it again someday. Sometimes it happens, stories slip out of your hands. Ratings/Genre I write angst but mostly I'm smutty, even my angst can be a bit on the erotic side. Slashy, Het-y, Lemony, You Must Be This Mature To Ride This fair warning, heads up and no complainers. What I ship: Eleven and Amy, Eleven and Rory and a lot of the time all three of them together. Most of my stuff is going to be M or (NC17 if you like) or failing that really, really angsty. Wherein the author gets on her Doctor Who Polyamory soapbox (specifically regarding Epistolary): I tend to ship them (Eleven/Amy/Rory) poly-amorous. I will maintain to my dying day they were written as a soft threesome for network TV. In some bizzaro world where Doctor Who is on cable, they're acknowledged as all three being together. It's not so much what was shown, it's the spaces around what wasn't shown. It's the unwritten. I'm saying it would have happened and I'm also saying that Amy chose both of them until TATM, that was really Amy's choice. Go back and re-watch "Amy's Choice". Watch everything the Dream Lord, who is of course the darker 11 hints about, Amy's dreams, his love of redheads, "better sort your men out" and 11 even asks Rory "are we disagreeing or competing?" So he's been looking in on her dreams, lusting after her, she's his type aesthetically, he considers himself 'one of her men' and he refers to Rory as a "gooseberry" which is an unwanted extra. Amy always gets what she wants, sure it would take time and convincing but eventually ta-da, threesome.'s math or as the Brits say "maths". But you can also assume it's a completely platonic relationship but it's still deeper than friendship. Even if you take out the sex, they're still a threesome. Polyamory isn't dependent on sex, it's just my preference for the story/stories Or take the word of this blogger on dilettantiquity dot com who said it much better than me. "But I am saying that the relationship between the members of the little family on the TARDIS has, over the past couple of seasons, often looked a hell of a lot like a poly family to me. A real, stumbling-along, first-time poly family with wibbles and insecurities and doubts and a fear that it may just be too hard, but also the structure and core of a deeply loving intimacy between more than two people. (And before anyone comments to point out that the Doctor and Amy aren’t – at least on screen – having a good, heteronormative shag…just don’t. Don’t tell me that sex is the defining factor that magically creates a ‘relationship’. Don’t assume it works that way for anyone other than you.)" |
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