Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. I know this is a new profile, but I've written a few other stories. Just under a different name. I wanted remain anonymous on here for my more darker fictions. Most of my current readers wouldn't expect something like this from me, and what friends I have reading my stories on here would flip if they knew. So, for now, I'll keep who I am to myself. I've found myself torn between both Severus and Lucius. Hence my name. They're both sexy in their own ways and I find I can't decide which one I like more. Severus has his good points. The whole tall, dark, and handsome thing works in his favor. It helps that he's played by Alan Rickman too. Oh, that voice alone...yum. Otherwise...well, the whole handsome thing might not really apply. Lucius has his good points too. Mostly Jason Issacs, but hey, he's sexy as hell. I love listening to him speak as well. That cultured voice and disdainful looks just makes me itch to make him loosen up. Plus, there is something about the more darker side each character has that is just alluring. Most of what I've written has been Severus based, but I've started to venture into Lucius territory. Finding myself just as addicted to him as I've been to Severus. Its fun to have some healthy addictions. Yes, I count this as one. It won't make you gain weight, it won't give you a transmitted disease of some sort, and it won't make you sick. So, yes, its healthy. As long as I'm able to tell fact from fiction, then it's all good. =) I hope you all like whatever I might end up posting on here. I know I've enjoyed writing what I have so far. |
GreenEyedBabe (9) |