Author has written 7 stories for Naruto, Andromeda, Star Wars, Battle Girls - Time Paradox/戦国乙女~桃色パラドックス~, Sly Cooper, Mass Effect, and Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite, Kaku Tatakeri. name - wulf age - 12,000 location - moon base (shifty eyes) likes - I never thought I'd say this but writing and watching anime, as well as playing video games like the rest of y'all dislikes - people who don't review my story's and people who say my writing sucks i know that already so bite me fav quotes - "You can only get smarter by facing a smarter opponent" and "every situation can be solved with the proper amount of explosive" cookie to those that can guess where these came from from fav anime- Naruto, Bleach, Degimon season 1 & 2 only, Queen's Blade, Dragon Ball Z and GT , Asobi Ni Iku Yo, Tenchi Muyo, Ikki Tousen and some others that I can't think of (let's play fishcake) What Naruto wears - https:// cdnb.lystit .com /photos /58e9-2014 /03 /03 /polo- ralph- lauren- blue- classic- short- sleeve- custom- fit- oxford- shirt- product- 1- 18129450 -0 -649981325 -normal .jpeg (The Next Male Force User) 1. Protocol droids - https: // i .pinimg .com/ originals/ 16/ 25/ dc/ 1625dc6eea0401efeb73153ba816d5cb .png 2. standard padawen's clothes front - https: // di2ponv0v5otw .cloudfront .net/ posts/ 2019/ 06/ 06/ 5cfa0aa7afade8d141893109/ m_5cfa0c36afade8650d8933b0 .jpg back - https: // di2ponv0v5otw .cloudfront .net /posts/ 2019/ 06/ 06/ 5cfa0aa7afade8d141893109/ m_5cfa0c389d3b78d5ddbb33c9 .jpg 3. standard jedi master's clothes - https: // i. pinimg .com/ originals/ d3/ 9e/ 9a/ d39e9a488c3dbab556fa02befd77c44c .jpg 4. personal assistant droid - https:// vignette .wikia .nocookie .net/ starwars/ images/ 8/ 88/ Personal _assistant _droid .png/ revision /latest?cb= 20170305070337 5. fem Minato - https:// static.wikia. nocookie .net/outlawstar /images/0/ 0d/Valaria_ Outlaw_Star. png/revision/ latest?cb=20141226075507 (The Elementian Effect) Gate) Rory Mercury - https:// i.imgur .com/ WFctUAK .jpg (kitsune's blade) picture of Konan - http://download .minitokyo .net /Naruto .462674 .jpg picture of Owen - http:// images. wikia .com/ finalfantasy/images /f/f4 /Garland_CG .png picture of Aki only without the coat and red yellow tips - http:// farm5.static. / 4024/4646217239 _2f28e449ef .jpg What Angelo Wears - http:// i251 .photobucket .com/ albums/ gg291/ indy_magnoli/ RPF/ joker-aging- not-aged-FULL .jpg (Maelstrom of The Magical World) the gate - http://www .kirakira .org /cosplay /gate /reference .jpg I just felt like writing this |
KaousuShin (3) |