![]() Author has written 42 stories for Invader Zim, Teen Titans, Transformers/Beast Wars, Death Note, Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, Harry Potter, Pokémon, District 9, and Good Omens. It's pronounced "secret two." Fun fact! Even though this, August 2019, is the first time I've edited my profile in eight years, I've still been getting email alerts from FFnet and I've been reading every single one of your reviews, and I'm grateful for every one of them! Anyway here's my more recent contact info. Other places you can find me: Feel free to PM me! Or IM me! Or email me! Or whatever me! I like hearing from people. I'm not weirded by strangers going "um, hey, so I read your fics..." Really, I'm not. It makes my day. The stuff I write Most of my newer stuff is on AO3, although I'd like to mirror it to FFnet someday and vice versa. My newest newest stuff will almost always be on tumblr, since I tend to post it there a few days before to AO3. What you see below, on AO3, and on tumblr are what I have written for, but not necessarily everything I would write for. (Hit me up—I take prompts, ko-fi drabble requests, and fic commissions.) I'm disproportionately fond of villains, of crack pairings, and of taking ideas that sound very very bad and trying to prove they can be done well. Except in fics that specifically set out as a "What if..." alternate timeline scenario, I try to stay canon-compatible in my writing. I always try to keep everyone in character (or reasonably close to). I prefer my fics plot-driven, rather than crack-driven, angst-driven, fluff-driven, etc. That doesn't mean I don't write crack, angst, fluff, etc., because I do write plenty of all of the above; it just means I make sure it makes sense. The stuff you can request Half of my writing these days comes from prompts or commissions. I reserve the right to reject any prompts, but I'm pretty open-minded on requests—I'll gladly write stuff to prompts for characters/pairings/situations that I might not personally be a big fan of—so I'm sure we can come up with something. Hit me up on tumblr/twitter/wherever, I'll be more responsive over there than over here. "I want a request for a particular fandom but IDK if you know about it—" Buddy I'm familiar with things ranging from The Grapes of Wrath to The Penguins of Madagascar, and I've only written for a minute fraction of them. I'm sure we can find something in common. Try me. The stuff that's already posted down there (or going to be soon) — Completed Fics If it says "Complete" then that's it, even if the story technically isn't "finished." At that point, it's either finished or it's been killed dead. Except for a handful of long fics (most of which are in various states of hiatus), the rest of my fics are complete. And if a fic says "oneshot," that also means it's complete. — In-Progress Fics HEY GUESS WHAT IT'S 2019 AND I'VE BEEN WORKING ON IN SHORT SUPPLY go check my tumblr for updates. My In Short Supply tag is, unsurprisingly, #in short supply. I'm not going to start posting again until 1) I've finished drafting the rest of the fic, because that is the ONLY way to guarantee I won't leave y'all in limbo again, and 2) I've tweaked the first 30 chapters, not heavily, just things like typos and minor details that have bugged me. As for my other long fics—Tears, Most Prized Possession, Thicker Than Water, Under the Snake's Skin, and Two Shall Stand—they're also on hiatus. But it's not "taking a nap" hiatus, it's "in a coma, hooked up to a heart monitor" hiatus. I may come back to them someday, but at this point I have no plans to, and if I do, it will probably require major overhauls of what I've already written. None of them are very far along (as opposed to, say, In Short Supply), so going back to them wouldn't be "picking up where I left off" so much as "starting over again nearly from square one." But I may go back to them. — Upcoming Fics I refuse to make promises on fics until after I know I can keep them. I'm getting a lot better on The stuff about reviews! I appreciate all reviews. Praise makes me squee, constructive criticism makes me a better writer, and flames make me laugh. Send me any combination of the above and I'll be happy. Although praise mixed with flames will confuse me. (It's happened. It was baffling.) Basically, feedback lets me know how I'm doing and whether or not anybody gives a crap about what I'm writing. And, notably—again, last time I signed on here was 2011, here it is 2019, and I'm still reading all of your reviews because I get the email alert even though I haven't signed into FFnet. Never go "Oh it's been literally twenty years since this was posted, the author won't care what I have to say about it." I will always care. Always I'm perfectly happy to answer any questions anybody may have. But if you ask a question, could you please give me some way to get back to you? FFNet account, LJ account, email address, AIM, YIM, something. I can't talk to you if you don't give me a way to get in contact, and I prefer not to respond to reviewers at the beginning of a chapter unless I'm really desperate. (And if I get a question on a fic that's completed or never going to be updated... well, there's no future chapter for me to answer questions in, anyway.) So please give me a way to contact you, because I really do love talking with reviewers and answering questions. ckret2 |