Author has written 3 stories for Ranma, and Inuyasha. 2011-05-31: Meeting the Future: "Nobody Move! I've dropped me brain!" Sorry that I haven't updated last Sunday. My Brain has gone on a holiday together with a certain Captain Jack Sparrow. I am trying to finish this chapter, but for some reason a lot of words like "Keelhaul, Savvy, Marooned, Accord," pop into the text... and for some reason all the characters are suddenly speaking about Rum, and have a heavy accent. Anyone know a brain for sale? Hi everyone! So. Um... a bit of bio about myself then... um... Born: July 24 1983 I must apologise in advance. I am one of those who is really, really terrible at leaving a review. I blame it on several things - even if they are no excuse. I would like to leave a rewiew on all the fanfictions that I read, but my English is not good enough. I want to leave a great rewiewthat tells the authors just what I thought about it, the ups and the downs. But I often find myself only being able to write "Hello!"... and then I'm stuck. I don't want to be one of those who just write "Hello. Great fic, keep it up." - no, I want to be one of those who leaves a rewiew that the author can be happy to receive. But no... I'm forever doomed to not be able to find the words. If I where to leave a review in Swedish, even then it would only be adequet at best. So to all of you I have not left a rewiwe to, I am sorry. I also blame you just a tad - with a smile on my face. I find myself sometimes so eager about a fic I've just read that I forget to post a rewiew and jump straight to the author in hopes to find something else to read from that person. So, its all your fault I forget to write a rewiew - your stories are just too great! I, myself, find that I am no great writer. I wish I was, but I'm not. I have my head filled with ideas for great stories, but I lack the tallent to put it down on paper. So I salute all of you who are able to do so, and especially those of you who does it again, and again - without fail. This is where I hint about needing a beta. My english is not good enough to not need a beta. Well, I sorta need more than a beta. I more or less need a good publisher (if my idea of a beta, and a publisher are correct, that is). I need someone to read everything before I post it. That person needs to be really good with writing her-/himself, so that he/she can make comments and add or deduct text they see fit. So that they can spot all the errors I will make in my doomed atempt at writing. I want to make my stories as good as they can be, since I want to be proud of my work, and I want people to enjoy reading them. If I forget - all that I post here are fanfictions. Just my tiny tribute to something I really like. I do not, in any way, own anything from the originals. If there are elements in the stories that are not in the originals, then they belong to me. |
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