Author has written 1 story for Twilight. Hi! I'm Denise , I'm 23 year old, and I'm proud to be a lesbian but single :( .. I lived here at the Philippines... Just graduated from college and I took up nursing and right now busy working..darn! I like reading novels and fanfiction especially Maria Sama-ga Miteru (sachiYumi) and strawberry panic (shizuNagi), K-ON (yuiAzu), Twilightsaga (bellice/rosaliexbella).. I like cooking and My past time is drawing and painting hehehe... ( I hope i can studied again to get what i really want to be.. sigh)... Anyway.. I'm not good on doing a novel but i really want to try it, but then again I not good on English either, hahaha!, really hate those grammar and all ughhh... """""I learn to Love so much to a person who I cared deeply in my heart, She was my first love, My "FIRST"; then again my heart wretched to learn that she's dying, and all i could do is hold her hand, give her the happiest memory of her life, and watching her little by little passed away at my side... :'( for almost 7 yrs has past; my heart still belong to her.. still I "soulsearching" who am I really is... i have boundaries to everyones.. just dont came close to me.. just live the hell me ALONE... I missed someone to hug every morning, I miss the warm of someone who appreciate me... Darn such a emotional unstable person sometimes... My greatest priorities in my life is my Friends, because without them I might Die already.. hey I love them so much! My family is my Hope, i want them to be proud of me.. I hope I find someone who can understand me and who's accept me the way I am... :) find me at Facebook: mercuricoxide_33@ |
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