Author has written 23 stories for Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy VII, Evangelion, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Naruto, X-overs, Harry Potter, and Avernum. (Formerly known as: Jebus Creiss.) Standard Schlock: Male, Australian. Got lured into writing fanfiction by family members (HP writers), and promptly started posting more ffic than they ever did. That's not to say the flow is smooth - I've been known to drop out of sight for months if not years at a time for varied reasons, only to pop up with more stuff. My latest absence has been mostly due to the SpaceBattles forums (as Facepalmist - I'm likely easiest to find there, thanks to email troubles here), where I've been working to straighten out and make more accessible the mindbogglingly massive morass that is Saphroneth's long-running revamp of the Infinite Loops Fanfiction Project (as opposed to Innortal's more...lewd forerunner). Progress is ongoing and fairly decent, having indexed a bit over a third of the threads involved (the total of which, for an idea of the scale, clocks over 250K posts and rising). An FFN compilation for the Miscellaneous Loops thread has gone live. More recently, there's a new & sporadically updated C2 featuring ILP stories; the C2 creator's profile serves as a central hub for general Infinite Loops ffic. Help Me Find This Fic! Sometimes I just...lose fics. You know how it goes - can't be bothered logging in to track them at the time, the find you just can't remember what the f*ck they were called. So, if you happen to remember, please drop me a PM? Harry Potter - (unofficial) crossover with the Cthulhu Mythos. In diary form, dictated by a Diagon Alley resident (maybe Borgin/Burke of Knockturn Alley, maybe OC). Oneshot, details a bystander who watches as Voldemort delves into the Elder Gods side of things and drags the world into the abyss piece by piece - Harry challenges eventually, and fails. The diary's writer goes mad as he delves into same, in an attempt to protect himself. No pairings, complete. Bad end. (Much thanks to Kaelas17 for helping to resolve the other entry; it was either MockV's 'A Twist of Chance', a conflation of AToC and some similar work, or a more recent fic that was subsequently pulled for plagiarising AToC.) Finally, I have a C2 for Final Fantasy VII, a collection of pre-Compilation fics which is intended to cut out the endless trawling through crap that so many readers have to go through in the back pages of the archive. Currently I'm thirty pages in (K-M, English). This expands intermittently...really, really intermittently. |
Community: | FFVII: The Pre-Compilation Years |
Focus: | Games Final Fantasy VII |