Author has written 86 stories for Digimon, Anime X-overs, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh, Saint Seiya, Stargate: SG-1, Hunter X Hunter, Pokémon, Harry Potter, Ninja Turtles, Teen Titans, Teen Titans, Batman, Cats, Ouran High School Host Club, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and NCIS. General Notice: If you would like to translate, spin-off, remix, or remaster any of my stories, I absolutely 100% encourage you do so! It's incredibly flattering to hear that people are still so interested in these old efforts of mine that they want to expand on their ideas and/or share them with the non-English-speaking sides of the fandom. Please, pursue your muses and plot bunnies to your heart's content! My one request is that you send me a link to your work once it's been posted so I can see the result for myself! I love reading them and like to share the links here so other people can enjoy them as well. Just drop me a PM with the link and it'll all be good. Thank you, and have fun! Sequels, Spin-off, and Side-stories based on my work, by other authors: The Others by Catwarrior is a long-awaited sequel to my extreme fit of late-night angst, The Last. It's looking to be an awsome tale, and the extended outline is nicely complex, so check it out: Likewise, isumi 'kivic's Restart, Rebirth, Rememberance also follows The Last, (though it's unrelated to The Others, above) and is in desperate need of more love! Find it here: Some nice anon on the Axis Powers Hetalia Kink Meme asked for a spin-off where the normal Hetalia-verse America and England are dropped into my "Grey Skies" universe - that is, the one-shot Grey Skies Over London and its sequel Every Generation Another anon was awsome enough to fill it. Find Lost Time here, on livejournal, and eventually here on once it's completed and de-anoned. http:///13943.html?thread=37461111#t37461111 Lunarkitty15 composed Taking the Nightmares Away, a cute little Russia/America one-shot that follows after the events of Awakening. If you're a RusAme fan, check it out here: And finally (so far) In Sorrow by bbissocute takes look at the way things could have gone during Slender if Alfred had pushed the Slender Man too far. If you can handle a bit of gore be sure to check it out here: Looking for translations of my stories into other languages? A Spanish version of Avalon (Hetalia) can be found here: translated by the awsome Azturial And! Advocado has translated Grey Skies Over London (also Hetalia) into Russian! It can be found here: /readfic/2431147 -- she plans on doing the sequel as well. In addition, I'm fairly certain there's a Spanish and/or Portugeise translation of an old Saint Seiya fic - The Story of Andromeda - floating around somewhere on the 'net. If anybody happens to find it, please pass the info on to me so I can link it as well! Thank you to everyone for all your hard work and support! GeminiStar01 |