![]() Author has written 20 stories for Ranma, Ib, Haruhi Suzumiya series, Steins;Gate/シュタインズ ゲート, Death Note, Baka and Test - Summon the Beasts/バカとテストと召喚獣 , Over the Garden Wall, Worm, Doki Doki Literature Club, Virtue's Last Reward, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, Pokémon, Bayonetta, Digimon, World Ends With You, and Kill la Kill/ キルラキル. Subsumption (my PMMM Witch Fic) can be found at forums. sufficientvelocity. com/ threads/ subsumption-pmmm-witch-mc-faux-quest. 47237 I write (wrote) Homestuck fanfic too, but I can't post them here due to rules against 2nd Person. Search my username on AO3 for those. It used to be that I barely wrote fanfic at all. Now I write it too often for my own good. Reviews usually end up spurring me on too much for me to just let things end where they are. Status (July 2013): Being lazy. Will try to get motivated to writing more of Frenetic Underground and Earn Your Happy Ending soon (the former has higher priority). Status (December 2013): Serial Experiments Lain fic coming up because I just finished the series and apparently I want at least a oneshot for every new fandom I enter. Frenetic Underground's planning document continues to grow larger, and wow is the story getting... hmm, not necessarily complex, but there are gonna be a lot of people involved in the near future. EYHE is not dead, that's all planned too (thanks to KiyumiArashi for reminding me it exists), so expect that eventually. Status (March 2014): Wrapped up in Reality Roulette/Counterpart and original writing right now, but still working on TMG and EYHE... except that I accidentally deleted my progress on TMG Chapter 5, and had to start over. You may have to wait a little longer for that... Status (May 2014): I am trying to work on TMG, EYHE, Counterpart, Reality Roulette, Frenetic Underground, and now Insanity Squared all at the same time. During finals. God help me. Status: (October 2014): I'm back in college as of a month ago, so progress has slowed down. That said, I think the current order of priority is this: finish Insanity Squared, then work on Counterpart, then on IS's sequel, work on FU (at LEAST post Chapter 7) and TMG intermittently, and just post anything else whenever I feel like writing it. Also- PMMM semi-oneshot crossover fic coming up at some point. Unlike the Lain fic, which I deleted because honestly I just stopped liking my own concept, this one WILL eventually appear. Status: (February 2015): College is kicking the crap out of me- one class in particular- and writing inspiration is not particularly high. Trying to get around to finishing Insanity Squared and the first chapter of the sequel, but it's not going well, I've barely got anything right now. Same with Counterpart and TMG's next chapters- sorry everyone. :( Status: (May 2015): Okay, wow. Did NOT realize it had been this long since I updated anything. So, update! I am almost finished with the penultimate chapter of IS, I'm working on the first chapter of the sequel, as well as on Counterpart intermittently (I NEED to get this chapter done, because even if I don't intend to stop writing it I clearly can't control how long I take to write chapters, and right now it's at a terrible place to leave off) and on a reworking of Reality Roulette, TMG is sort of sitting around with its next chapter half finished, that PMMM crossover fic is about half done, EYHE is not even close to my top priority right now, Frenetic Underground's next chapter is essentially done but I am supremely unhappy with it, and The Hideyoshi Vignettes as always have no set schedule so I'm not really worried about updating right now. I do have to take a couple summer classes (didn't get all my transfer credits), but I SHOULD have some of this up soon. God I hope so, at least. Status (August 2015): As noted above, I had two Summer classes. Nothing got done. Sorry about that, not something I had much option in. Will try to update with some stuff soon, but Fall semester starts in less than a week... Status (January 2016): Progress is FINALLY being made on IS' epilogue and the first chapter of the sequel. For the record, the former is currently at 7000 words, while the latter is at 2000, and I think I've FINALLY settled on a method of going about them where I won't have to scrap their contents all over again. Hopefully I'll get those out soon. Hopefully. Status (March 2016): IS epilogue essentially done, sequel chapter 1 has made some progress but needs some more work done. I've recently been distracted by the Worm fandom, and inspiration struck for a fanfic in that, so that's... erm, kind of what I'm working on right now. Have to strike while the iron is hot, I'm afraid. I'll try to read some old Ranma fics to get me reinspired for what I SHOULD be working on later. In fact if anyone has any recommendations (I like ones that involve Ranma-chan, not necessarily lock-fics but ones that at least don't seem to forget the curse exists), feel free to PM me them. Status (August 2016): My summer semesters are over, TTTCT Chapter 1 is -finally- almost done, and Ill Equipped is being worked on. Other fics are on the backburner, as is virtually always the case. Status (October 2016): Finally started the PMMM fic I've been wanting to do (actually that's a lie, this is an entirely different one and the other is still sitting around in my docs), but can't post it here because it's second person. I should try anyways just to see if they bother upholding that rule, honestly. Find it at forums. sufficientvelocity. com/ threads/ subsumption-pmmm-witch-quest. 32355 Status (November 2016): Accidentally deleted (overwrote) Chapter 3 of The Hideyoshi Vignettes. I don't have the computer that was on anymore, so if anyone happens to have an archived version, I would be very appreciative if you could send it to me. On the upside, I FINALLY published the first chapter of TTTCT! Status (January 2017): Working on Subsumption, Ill-Equipped, TTTCT, and (surprisingly), Reality Roulette/Counterpart. Intermittently, mind, as I'm stuck going on the job search officially now... Status (July 2017): JESUS this latest TTTCT chapter is long. Currently up to 9000 words, and not really all that close to being finished. I kind of feel like I should cut it in half, but I was trying to get all the setup done in the first three chapters... eh, I'll figure it out once I've actually finished it. Also trying to write some other things, and I'm sure I'll eventually rewrite the erased chapter from The Hideyoshi Vignettes, if just so I can upload the next chapter and have it make some degree of sense. Status (January 2018): Everything is on hold until I get Subsumption (see above) up and running again. Due to some bad decisions I'm restarting it wholesale, and am currently deep in the planning stages of such. I also am working on a Virtue's Last Reward SI fic, for the whole 2 of you who would read that, as well as an incredibly self indulgent, completely different SI story loosely based on Kumo Desu Ga, Nani Ka?. Yes, I have become that sort of trash. Status (August 2018): Subsumption is progressing smoothly again, so I'm uploading what I have of the VLR SI fic thus far. Stand-In and TTTCT will be taking priority shortly afterwards, and maybe I'll finally upload that long finished 4th chapter of Ill-Equipped, assuming I feel up to sticking my toe into the Worm fandom again. On that note, there may be a different Worm fic of mine coming out eventually too. We'll see. Status (January 2019): Currently planning on finishing the next chapter of Stand-in, followed by an update to TTTCT. I'll see where I go from there, but I'd like to work on more original stuff for a while, I think. Status (November 2020): ...where the hell did my avatar go. Why does my profile refuse to update. Why. Status (October 2023): FFN's traffic stats appear to be utterly broken right now, so I will not be updating my stories here until that is either fixed, or I get tired of waiting around for someone to make this site function. Status (December 2023): ...well, it's been months, and I'm bored of waiting for something that will not happen, so forget it. Updates resuming. |