Author has written 33 stories for Fire Emblem, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Kuroshitsuji, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, A song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Death Note, Sherlock, and Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club. Alright, so now that I'm off ban for cursing in a summary, I figured I'd put my profile to some use and list the status of all my stories for reference (both for my readers and for me to keep up with). Currently Working On (Should be updated soon-ish) Sinners (Hetalia-Spain/S. Italy) My current pet project. Updates will probably be irregular, but they will exist. Before I actually post anything, I have to play with ideas for the next chapter in my head, and that takes a few days. Will not be abandoned anytime soon. Coming up: Actually not quite sure. Hopefully some more dialogue. Drum Circle (Bleach-Shuuhei/Kensei) Despite the lack of apparent interest, I like this idea and am hoping to get another update up soon. I have the idea for it, I just need to hammer it out and write it down. Coming up: How Byakuya is personally entangled. Post Coitus (Bleach-Various) I really love writing this one, and it will stay open until I run out of ideas. Unfortunately, updates will probably be sporadic and happen whenever I get another idea. But I'm currently working on a Shuuhei/Kensei chapter, so expect an update soon! Coming up: Shuuhei and Kensei discuss what 69 means in the human world. Not working on, but planned (Will be updated someday) Fukutaichou (Bleach-various) I've been busy with stuff, so I haven't actually watched Bleach in a while, but I definitely want to continue this. I mean, there are thirteen possible chapters, so I've got plenty of material. Coming up: Undecided-probably will involve the 10th or 11th division. Variations on a Japanese Folk Song (Bleach-various) I have a bad habit of starting new things when I should be continuing old things, but this one is one that I don't plan on abandoning. I actually do have a plan for the next chapter, it's just going to be a matter of actually writing it. Coming up: Renji watches Byakuya play the flute. No plans at the moment, will be updated when and if inspiration strikes (Not dead, but not super active either) The Transitive Property (Death Note-Matt/Mello) To be quite honest, I've never watched or read Death Note, just the fanfiction. I figure it doesn't really matter because Matt barely shows up in canon, from what I understand, and I've read enough fanfiction that I think I get Mello. However, due to my lack of personal experience with the series, writing about it is kinda iffy. But I won't close the door on this one yet because I adore Matt/Mello and I'm a math geek. Scenes from the War (Hetalia-Various) This is actually something I conceived about a year and a half ago when I was in the midst of my Hetalia phase and was also studying WWII. I do have vague ideas for more to add to this, but when they're actually going to materialize is pretty up in the air. But that doesn't really matter because the only person who read it was the person whose fic actually pushed me to write it, so I don't think anyone will be too disappointed. Reverberations (Hetalia-UsUk) This is easily one of my favorite fics I have ever written and I don't think I'll ever want to mark it as completely closed, honestly. But now that it's summer and I'm not doing band stuff, it crosses my mind less and less often. But I do intend to keep it alive, because I love it and I love music geekery in fics. The response I've gotten to this fic has been unbelievably positive and I appreciate it so much. Mosaic (Hetalia-DenNor) Again, I go through fanfic phases and I've been out of my Hetalia one for a while. (Currently in a Bleach one for writing, Kingdom Hearts for reading). But I do love this pairing, and I do have more plans for this fic, so hopefully someday I'll get my act together and write some more. Aftermath (Bleach-Various) Umm, despite being in a Bleach phase, I've kind of exhausted my go-to pairings in this one. And I've gotten so far past the point in the anime that I was writing about, it might be hard to tune back into that. But I definitely have some vague ideas, so don't give up on it yet. I don't think I'm done writing about Soi Fon and Yoruichi, although I don't know what I feel about the pairing yet. I won't say the word "hiatus," but... (Kind of discouraged, currently have no plans for continuation) Sparring (FE7-Matthew/Guy) This was my first real fanfiction love, but as interest dropped off in my fic and I got bored of replaying the game for the 15th time, I kind of ran out of steam. It seems the FE fandom is dominated by self-inserts and the like, and FE7, especially FE7 slash, seems to be dwindling. While this is my first multi-chap and I don't want to abandon it so close to being finished, I don't really have the drive to continue it. So, not hiatus, but I have so much else I'd rather write. If you're a fan of this fic, write me and beg me to consider it. If you can get me in the FE7 mindset, who knows? Tattoos (FE7-Rath/Wil) From back in my FE7 phase. See above reasons for why I'm not in said phase anymore. Dynamics (FMA-Roy/Ed) Back when I was watching FMA Brotherhood obsessively, I extended my music geekery to the fandom. However, I use most of my best music geekery ideas on Reverberations, and as I'm not currently interacting much with music or FMA, updates are unlikely. I might mark this as complete and leave it as a oneshot. An Unlikely Matchmaker (Hetalia-Various) This fic actually has a fairly large amount of support compared to others which I actually have plans for continuing. The reason I have a hard time revisiting this one is because I actually think it's a fairly stupid idea and that the chapters I already wrote embarrass me. And when I'm ashamed of something I wrote, I don't want to continue it. I did have ideas for future chapters for this, but the light humorous fluffy nature of it is really not my forte. So it may be more likely to be continued than the others in this category, but please don't hold your breath. 64 Sentences (Bleach-Various) I have tried sentence fics multiple times as a solution to my laziness to get something down without having to develop things completely. Unfortunately, I discovered that I like developing things and being long-winded, and as a result, suck at one sentence fics. So this will probably be marked as a failed experiment and abandoned. Note: If you really want to see any of the above continued, send me a message. The main factor in whether I continue something is how much I can toss the plot around in my head and if you get me thinking about it, I'm a lot more likely to write something. Complete (Multi-chap) Camera Confessions (Hetalia-PruHun) It's cheesy and fluffy, but it's the first multi-chap I ever saw through and finished, and I'm quite fond of it for that reason. Also one of the only het things I have ever written, funnily enough. His Butler, Unorthodox (Kuroshitsuji-SebaCiel) SebaCiel but not shota/squicky. More of a three-shot than a multichap. I'm quite fond of it as well. Complete (Oneshots) Fire (FE9/10-Tormod/Sothe) Cheesiness with the shoddy plot device of having to share a bed with a crush. Life Goes On (Bleach-Ikkaku/Yumichika) Ipod shuffle fics for IkkaYumi. I actually like all of them but one, which is an accomplishment. Of Unexplained Body Swaps (FE7-Various) Totally cracky, in response to a request online. Really not much more to say. Petty Theft (Harry Potter-Percy/Oliver) Fluffy stuff about sharing clothes and being teased by the twins. I really need to write more for this pairing. Piano Lesson (Hetalia-Prussia/Austria) My first Hetalia fic! It's pretty lame, considering it's pretty much a mirror of all the fanfics I've read placed into my own writing style, but whatever. It was my first. Reasons (Bleach-Byakuya/Renji) Ipod shuffle fics for ByaRen, one of my favorite pairings ever! Honestly, I prefer the IkkaYumi ones because these are less original, but I still like them. Reunion (Game of Thrones-Loras/Renly) I got pissed that Renly died, so I wrote a fic where he reunites with his lover in the afterlife. Pure fluff, and revenge on Martin who hates fanfics. Snippets (Bleach-Shuuhei/Kira) Ipod shuffle fics for ShuuKira. Not as good as the others, probably because I don't feel as strongly towards this pairing (I kind of really like Shuuhei/Kensei). But still cute-ish. The Mouse's Tale (Death Note-L and Light, but not L/Light) My only fic not involving romance. Experimental fic based on a Lewis Carrol poem in which L goes a bit crazy and Light dies, mirroring said poem. Has little to no interest in it, as it's not slash. But whatever-I needed to get it out of my head, because while it might be pretty tame as dark fics go, I don't write them, so it creeped me out. Umbrella (Hetalia-Greece/Japan) GiriPan involving traditions and umbrellas. Sheer fluff, pretty chill because both the characters are so incredibly chill. Will to Live (Bleach-Koga/Rantao) Another fic which will probably rarely, if ever, be read. Nobody likes the Bount Arc but me. I though Koga was an interesting character and him being the only surviving Bount and living with Rantao would be very interesting. WTF (Bleach-Random crap) Crack fic. I was tired and punchy and this happened. Some people seem to think it's funny... Ideas (Yes, I KNOW that I shouldn't be starting anything new until I finish the things I've already started. I'm very bad at that.) Harry Potter-Various I've always wanted to write people's reactions to seeing each other again after the Battle of Hogwarts, especially Percy and Oliver and Dean and Seamus. Harry Potter-Percy/Oliver This would be pretty ridiculously crack-ish. I had this crazy idea of Percy and Oliver being together, but Percy having to get married and have kids in order to better his chances at being Minister of Magic, so he enlists Audrey (who is a badass lesbian) to be his pretend-wife. Oliver is on board with the idea. Bleach-Byakuya/Renji Yes, this would be even more music stuff. Perhaps a prequel to Variations on a Japanese Folk Song. The story of Renji joining an orchestra that Rukia and Byakuya are in after watching them perform. Yes, it sounds boring. Whatever. |
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