Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, Twilight, and Hunger Games. My name: what do you think ;) Fam: My twin sister (yes in the real world) is firework4eva Where do i live: somewhere, Australia (yeah thats right I live in the down under and I don't have a koala:) Age: 14 Favourite Books: Percy jackson, Harry potter, Missing you, Time of the eagle, Eragon, lord of the rings, Sherlock holmes, I'd tell you I love you but then I'd have to kill you, stormbreaker, Belgarid, magician, Daughter of the empire, HUNGER GAMES, Rosie black chonicals, Shatter me, Mortal instruments, Clockwork Angel, Cherub series,The goddess test and a lot more. Favourite Shows:Merlin, Once upon a time, Sherlock and the Mentalist Favourite Movies: Iron man, Harry potter and the deathly hallows, harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban, Percy jackson and the lighting theif, Pirates of the carribean, Ocean 11, inception, A very potter musical, wild child, shes the man, anything harry potter, Sherlock holmes 1&2 I'm editing my story the Rose at the moment so if you send any mistakes in it I would really appreciate if you sent me a PM saying where (it would make my job a lot easier- sorry I'm a bit lazy). Thanks :) |
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