Author has written 54 stories for Stargate: Atlantis, House, M.D., Doctor Who, Castle, Burn Notice, Psych, Royal Pains, Grimm, Torchwood, and Harry Potter. Hello and Welcome to my page! I'm M - an avid writer of fanfiction and an even more avid reader of it. My favorite fandoms are: Castle My favorite pairings are: Castle (Lanie/Espo, Friendship for all)
I'm not a fan of putting the Tenth Doctor with anyone other than Jack. I loved Rose as a companion but anything further than good friends, I'm not a fan of even though I know the show itself played them as unrequited lovers. I absolutely cannot stand Donna!!!!! There was something about her character that made me wanna smack her every time she spoke. I liked Martha but only at the end of the third season and the guest spots in the fourth where she's moved on from the girly crush on the Doctor to a strong, independent woman. I often write her into my DW fics because I'm almost all the time setting them at one point in time or another in Torchwood. I'm not as big a fan of Torchwood as I am of DW but I do prefer to cross them over with one another. Captain Jack is one of my favorite DW/TW characters!!!! I have no idea why but the man is just so fun; I get his humor, I like his personality and I like the fact that he can't die - it makes him perfect as a permanent traveling companion for our dear Doctor. I really need to write another DW fic but I have one (It's called Common Enemies and it's a crossover with Stargate Atlantis) that I have yet to finish and so I want to finish that one before I start another. Ten is my absolute favorite Doctor. I haven't seen the older ones (before Chris Eccleston or however you spell his name) but I've seen the latest three and of the three, I love David Tennant's/Ten best. If anyone has any fics that they would like to see but haven't seen yet, please PM your ideas!! I would love to hear them. :) I have only one Castle fic out there and I promise to start updating it soon. The end of the year is a bit busy for us all, I'm sure, so my writing speed tends to slow down as does my updating speed. Unlike most of the fandom, I prefer not to pair Castle and Beckett together in fiction. I like their friendship as it is as well as how they both interact with those at the precinct (Espo & Ryan!!!) as well as their family (Martha & Alexis). I love Laney and Espo together so I'm all for them together in fics but I haven't actually written them together. I'm not against any Espo/Ryan slash but I prefer it to be more along the lines of Bromance or friendship. House and Wilson is the only pairing I will read, unless you count the limited canon pairing of Lucas/Cuddy. I loved Lucas with Cuddy and I thought he was a good match for her and a good step-father for Rachel. I will never like Huddy!!!!!! I apologize to those that do but it is just not my pairing. As is obvious, I don't mind slash but I cannot picture Cameron/Cuddy, Thirteen/Cuddy, Thirteen/Amber, Cameron/Thirteen, etc.. I'm not against Fem Slash (I haven't read any actually) but I just do not see any of those pairings happening. When I write in House fanfiction, I tend to focus on Wilson more than anything. I'm a whumper!!! If you don't like it, sorry. I only pair Wilson with House and a lot of the time House can get a bit OOC when I write him. Sometimes that's intentional but most of the time it's just because I suck at writing House's character. :) If anyone would like to be a beta for me in this fandom and help with characterization, please let me know! ;) My favorite "duckling"/fellow is Chase. I have always preferred him ever since the beginning and no matter how sleazy the show makes him, I will always prefer him to the others. Thirteen is my next fav. but since I can't seem to write her character to save my life, I don't tend to include her in my fics all that often. I'm not against Chase/Wilson or Chase/House! I've read a couple of fics that I've liked with those pairings, one where it was a threesome!, but I don't tend to write it. I'm not sure why. :/ Maybe I'll try soon. As far as SGA is concerned, my preference is for John/Teyla. I'm not against Weir/Shep but for the most part, I never saw their relationship as more than dear friends/brother and sister so I don't pair them together. My two favorite characters to write in SGA are John Sheppard and Carson Beckett. I love team fics but as long as the focus is on one or both of the aforementioned characters, I'm good. I read a good fic that was Ronon/Carson slash so I'm not against it in the least; the fic also included John/Rodney slash and I could see that being as well so I'm not against that pairing either. If I pair Carson with someone, it does tend to be an OC though, I don't know why. I wrote one where he was with Alison Porter (Season 5, Whispers) but I find it hard to write them together and I'm not sure why... I'm weird, I know. :) One of my fics (DW) is crossovered with Harry Potter. I don't have it listed in my fandoms because while this one fic causes me to write for it, I don't actually tend to want to write for Harry Potter. I don't mind reading but it's not one of my favorites. I'm a very open minded young woman so I generally get along with anyone. I may not agree with your opinions but I try to live by the philosophy of "To Each His Own" so I'm not going to "flame" you or make fun of you or rag on you for your opinion. If you're looking for a beta reader and your fandom isn't listed above, don't worry about it. I do watch a lot of other shows and read other books, I just don't list them because they aren't what I write. I like: Angel, Bones, Buffy, Burn Notice, Castle, Crossing Jordan, Doctor Who, Eureka, Gilmore Girls, House MD, MacGyver, Smallville, SGA, Will & Grace, and more. So you never know with a fic. :) I'm currently trying to finish all of my "open" (or unfinished) fics so I'm not really trying to write any new ones. Instead I'm saving up my ideas for when I've got maybe three open (currently I'm at 9). I participate in some challenges on LJ (for HMD) so I do have some new fics coming but my main focus is to try to update and finish my open ones. I apologize to those that have read, liked, reviewed, and/or subscribed to my DW story "Help". I am actually going to delete that fic and have no further plans to write or update it. I might pick it back up, edit and repost it at a later date but as of right now, I'm not satisfied with it and therefore am not writing it any more. I'm sorry. |
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