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Joined 01-22-11, id: 2715784, Profile Updated: 02-02-11
Author has written 1 story for Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

My name is Emily!! Uh...Thats it.

Fave Tv shows:

The big bang theory, Friends, Glee, The simpsons, Family guy and Merlin.

Fave movies:

All Harry Potter movies, Norbit, death becomes her and the twilight saga movies.

Fave books:

Percy jackson and the olympians (FTW!!!!) , Harry potter books, The heroes of olympus, the kane chronicles, The twighlight saga, mates dates books and jaquline wilson books.

Fave shippings:

The big bang theory: Leonard and Penny (ftw!), Howard and Bernadette, Howard and Raj, Sheldon and Amy.

Glee: Puckleberry (FTW), Sam/Quinn, Artinnay, Tike and Klaine.

PJO: Thalico (FTGDMFW!!!!!) Pecebeth, tratie, groviper and ronner.

Ok, this is how yow play story line.


List your fav pjo charecters in no paticular order.







8. Rachel

9. Bianca


Let somebody pick numbers and a story without letting them see the list (E.g (1) and (2) get married and have (3))

(3) and (6) are happily married until (6) runs of to be with (4) and together they have a child,(7). After a while, (3) has a one night stand with (1) at (7) and (8)'s wedding. (3) then settle down to be with (10), but hears that (1) is pregnant with thier child. Feeling fustrated, (3) seeks the help of (9) and then after some good advice (3) and (1) have a beautiful baby, (2)

Ok, my brother picked the storyline and numbers without knowing who they are, so now you translate:

Nico and Travis (WTF?) are happily married until Travis runs of to be with Katie (thats better!) and together they have a child,Annabeth (???). After a while, Nico has a one night stand with Thalia (YAY) at Annabeth and Rachel's wedding (huh?!). Nico then settled down to be with Luke (OMG WTFH?!), but hears that Thalia is pregnant with his child (yay!!!whoohoo!!). Feeling fustrated, Nico seeks the help of Bianca (his loving sis) and then after some good advice Thalia and Nico have a beautiful baby(happy ending!!), Percy (whadt?! hes older than nico ;)).

the Road trip reviews
the pjo gang go on a road trip, and all hades brakes loose.WHAT!SOMEONE GETS PREGNANT! SOMEONE GETS ENGAGED!SOMEONE GET MARRIED!And they are all different people!Percabeth,Thalico,Tratie and olympian couples.T for language and suggestive themes.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: 6,499 - Reviews: 75 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 31 - Updated: 3/7/2011 - Published: 2/2/2011 - Complete